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“I don’t know. I’ll probably go home, hang out with Reno, and binge watchWarehouse 13orCriminal Minds,” Clara replied.

“Sounds thrilling,” Jamie said. “I have a better idea. Why don’t you go home, take care of the puppy, give him some love, change your clothes, and go to the club with me?”

“There is a club in Ivy Springs besides at the resort?” Clara asked.

“There are two and several bars.” Jamie laughed.

“I don’t know,” Clara said.

“What’s holding you back?” Jamie asked.

“Nothing I guess.”

“Good, it’s settled then. You might actually enjoy yourself,” Jamie said.

Jamie and Clara met at the club around eight that night.

“I’m starving. Do they serve food?” Clara asked.

“Until ten,” Jamie said.

After they ordered, Jamie said, “So dish. What is going on between you and Dillon, our hottest bachelor in Ivy Springs?”

Clara giggled and said, “He is pretty sexy, isn’t he?”

“I already told you, every single woman, and a few not so single women, have pursued him since he came to town. He turned every single one of them down.”

“I guess that you could say that things are complicated. He and Zeke adore each other, which I love. Things between Dillon and I have been, well, good. We haven’t sat down and had a conversation about our relationship, though. We haven’t put a label on it,” Clara said.

“There is nothing wrong with that,” Jamie said. “Relationships don’t necessarily need a label. They just are. That doesn’t make them less real.”

“That makes sense,” Clara said.

“As long as both of you are happy, that’s all that matters,” Jamie said.

“True enough,” Clara said. “I’m satisfied with the way things are. He seems to be, too.”

Jamie nodded.

“That makes me feel a lot better,” Clara said.

“Good, I’m glad that I can help,” Jamie said.

“You are a beautiful woman. I’m surprised you don’t have a ton of men knocking at your door. Why aren’t you dating anyone?” Clara asked.

“I haven’t found anyone who can live up to what I want in a man,” Jamie said.

“What are you looking for?” Clara asked.

“I’m not actually looking for a man. I’m happy with my life,” Jamie replied. “However, for a man to interest me, he would have to be very good looking. There’s no point in being in a relationship with someone I’m not physically attracted to.”

“I understand that,” Clara replied.

“I want a man who is physically and emotionally strong. I mean, if his mom dies, he shouldn’t be afraid to cry in front of me, but at the same time, I don’t want a man who bawls at the drop of a hat,” Jamie said.

“That’s not unreasonable,” Clara said.

“I want a man who will treat me as an equal. I envision a relationship where he opens the car door for me and I do little things for him that makes him smile. A give and take type of deal.”
