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“What is happening?” I ask, shifting my attention to Douglas. “What is happening?” I repeat myself.

I don’t know if I’m in shock or what I am, but this is too much. My stomach cramps. Wrapping my arm around my middle, I bend slightly and try to breathe. Kiplyn places her hand on the middle of my back as she rocks her baby back and forth, trying to keep her from crying. Douglas has already told us to shut the babies up once. I can’t imagine he would be patient enough to ask a second time.

“What’s happening is that I came to look at my shipment before I accepted delivery,” Douglas murmurs.

“Shipment?” I ask as I force myself to stand up tall.

I want to curl into a ball and cry, but I don’t. There is something happening here, and I’m trying to figure it all out, but it’s not making sense to me. There are dozens of women here, naked women, and he’s talking about a shipment, but what would he do with them?

Douglas tilts his head, his gaze homing in on Thunder, then he clears his throat and looks at me. “Women,” he says. “How do you think I make money, Reese?”

I don’t respond to his words, mainly because my brother walks into the room from somewhere in the back. Opening my mouth, I stare at him, and then it hits me like a train. It slams into me. Douglas always found me, not because I was shit at hiding, but because Logan told him where I was.

“Logan?” I breathe.

His gaze flicks to mine for just a brief moment. I watch as a guilty expression crosses his face, but he doesn’t say anything to me. In fact, he acts as if I didn’t call his name, as if he isn’t my very own brother.

I want to scream and yell. I want to throw shit at him and hit him. I want to ask him why. But I don’t do any of that. Instead, I stand back and watch as Douglas greets Logan with a handshake and some murmured words.

“Those men are going to come in here guns hot. You’re gonna get shot, and me, too, for this shit.”

Douglas shrugs, looking at me for a moment over his shoulder before he shifts his attention back to Logan. “Those cunts are insurance that I won’t get shot,” Douglas says on a laugh. “But I can’t make any promises for you.”

“Fuck you,” Logan growls. “I’ve been helping you with this shit for years.”

Douglas leans forward slightly. “And you’ve been compensated, so do not pretend as though I owe you anything. I am here to inspect the stock, and then I will be at the appointed pickup place tomorrow with my insurance at my side.”

The two men have a stare-down. I’m mesmerized. I can’t look away. I don’t know if it’s out of morbid curiosity or if I’m so shocked that I don’t know what else to do except stare. But when Douglas’s head swings to me, he narrows his gaze on mine.

“Get the fuck in the car,” he growls.



I’min so much fucking pain that even my bones ache. I did this. This shit is all my fault. She’s gone. She warned me. She told me this would happen. That he would come after her. And I didn’t really believe her. I was cocky and thought she would be fine. That I could protect her.

But I can’t. I couldn’t. She’s gone.

Pacing the clubhouse bar, I try to calm myself down as we wait for Charley, Justin, Bond, and Duke to arrive. Legacy is standing beside me, his phone in hand as he stares at it, no doubt willing it to ring.

We’re all in a daze. None of us imagined this would happen the way it has. It’s awkwardly quiet, but I have fucking nothing to say, too lost inside of my own head to even think about what could be.

When a phone rings, we all turn to Legacy, who almost throws it across the room before he answers it, fumbling it in his hands, no doubt surprised as fuck that someone is calling him, even if he’s been expecting and hoping it would ring.

“Is the baby there? Okay.”

Legacy ends the call, his gaze cutting over to me. “Baby isn’t there,” he murmurs.

“Neither is mine,” Roadkill growls, ending his own call.

I don’t know what to say, but none of this shit sounds good. Not in the fucking slightest. I start to ask them what comes next when the door to the bar opens. I watch as Duke and Bond waltz through, Charley and Justin behind them. They don’t seem to be in a hurry, but they do make their way directly toward us, then stop.

“Well, it seems as if Douglas thinks he’s in control,” Charley announces.

Justin growls, crossing his arms over his chest before he dips his chin, looking down at his feet with a scowl on his face. I can tell he isn’t happy about this shit, and I know he’s got a thing for Reese, but I don’t give a fuck. If it makes him want to get her back to me faster, bring it the fuck on.

“Tell us what you know about Douglas,” I demand. “Whatever you’ve found, I want to fucking know it all, even if it’s what he ate for breakfast.”

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