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Wes might have wanted to fuck around this morning, figuring the damage was done, but my feelings were more complicated than that. I’d been fighting the itch under my skin, the craving to get closer, to touch him, to claim him, for at least two years.

I’d dated women, had a few relationships, but nothing ever stuck because I was closer to Wes than anyone else in my life. We worked together, lived together, hung out together. Thankfully, Wes had always been oblivious to my confused attraction. But now? After being able to touch him the way I’d wanted for so long? I didn’t know how I’d ever manage to go back to just being his brother.

And that’s exactly what I had to do.

“Fuck!” Wes cursed from the next room.

He’d let me shower first, telling me he’d charge our phones while I cleaned up. We’d let our batteries die last night, too drunk to remember to plug them in.

My stomach clenched.

There was only one reason for him to be swearing up a storm right now. People must know what we did.

Not all of it. Not the sex part, but…

I glanced down at the ring on my finger, such a simple little piece of metal with such big ramifications. Did everyone know I’d married my stepbrother? How would I ever live that down?

I pushed aside the shower curtain. “Wes? Everything okay?”

He didn’t answer me, and I couldn’t stand the suspense. I grabbed a towel and rushed out of the bathroom, still dripping.

“What’s wrong? Does everyone know?”

“I don’t want you to panic,” he said slowly, eyes still locked on his phone.

“That’s not as reassuring as you think it is. Come on, just rip off the Band-Aid and tell me so I can deal with it.”

Wes finally looked up. For a moment, his gaze caught on my body, making me aware of my nakedness in a way I hadn’t been around him before. We lived in a small trailer, so it wasn’t like we hadn’t seen each other half-naked before. I’d seen Wes walking around in nothing but form-fitting boxer briefs more times than I could count. The man hated clothes and shucked them the instant he was home.

It had stopped feeling brotherly a while ago for me, but I’d never seen blatant appreciation inhisgaze before.

It was almost enough to distract me from the suspicion that the honeymoon was about to come to an end.

“They don’t know,” Wes said, surprising me. “Not for sure.”

I crossed the room and plucked the phone from his hand to look for myself. There was a video. Stomach churning, I hit the play button.

“Listen up, Laurie and Tuck!” I shouted from the screen, a huge drunken grin on my face.

“And all the rest of you Granville suckers who aren’t in Vegas, baby!” Wes added, then whooped for good measure.

“You said not to do anything you wouldn’t do…” The me on the screen panned the video to display a chapel in the background.

“Oh, no,” I muttered to myself as I watched.

Wes—the Wes with me in the hotel room—wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in against his face in a hug that made my stomach flutter despite the train wreck I was watching online.

Video-Wes laughed like a loon. “You’re not the only ones who can get married in secret!”

Video-Beckett swatted his arm. “Shhhh! It’s not a secret if you tell everyone.”

“Oh. OH. Right!” Wes gave an exaggerated wink. “We totally aren’t getting married in Vegas.”

The video cut off.

“Fuck,” I whispered.

“See? It’s not so bad.”
