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I looked down at Wes, eyes wide. “Not so bad? We basically told everyone we were getting married!”

He grimaced. “Yeah, but we hadn’t done it yet, and we were drunk and silly. We can play it off as a prank. That’s what we told Laurie in his text, right? It’d be an epic prank. That’s all it has to be.”

I glanced back down at the video, biting my lower lip as I read the comments.

Are you guys for real?our friend Bobbi asked.

You two are hilarious, Darren Rafferty posted, with half a dozen laughing emoticons.

Congratulations, maybe?Clark Fletcher wrote.

But it was the last comment that made my heart twist. Nathan Potter, my stepfather and Wes’s dad.This isn’t funny.

“We’re so screwed,” I said.

“No. No way.” Wes pushed me back a step to look up at my face. “We’re still in Vegas and none of this exists.”


“We have plausible deniability. We were drunk and stupid.”

“That’s not much of an excuse,” I mumbled.

“We joked around in front of a chapel,” he insisted. “No one can prove anything.”

“You really are determined to be optimistic, aren’t you?” I complained.

He smirked, eyes smoldering. “Well, if you’re determined to believe the sky will fall when we get home, I guess we should enjoy the time we have left here.”

My breath caught. “You mean…”

Wes answered by tugging my towel loose, then letting it fall to the ground.

He was finally looking at me with the same kind of desire I’d shamefully harbored for too long.

His heavy gaze on my dick worked its magic. I hardened as cool air brushed my balls, making me shiver with arousal.

Still, reason tried to prevail. “W-we should be coming up with a plan. Researching annulment. Anything but this.”

“We could do that,” he said, “or…”


“I could get you off again.”

“Fuck.” My hips bucked of their own accord, and Wes wrapped his hand around me, giving me a tight, squeezing stroke that felt perfect.

“On the other hand, we’ll have plenty of time to strategize on the flight home.”

His lips curled up. “Thought so.”

Wes leaned in, his face so close to my cock I nearly lost it right then. He nipped my thigh with his teeth, and I jerked with a groan, my cock hardening more in his fist. My skin felt too tight, my pulse throbbing in my shaft to the rhythm of the words in my head:want want want.

I gave in then, the last of my restraint crumbling. We could have this now, if only for the next twenty-four hours. Just until we left for Granville, and our friends and family and their expectations that we be brothers instead of lovers.

“Fuck it,” I said with a gusty exhale. “If this is wrong, I don’t want to be right.”

He chuckled, working my cock with a strong hand while he ran his tongue from hip to hip, teasing at my navel. I curled over, grabbing his shoulders to keep myself upright as he shattered my fantasies with something even better.
