Page 130 of Taste Me

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In truth, it had disappeared when I’d been spirited out of the airplane to the first massacre site in Lapland. But I don’t believe it’s a simple matter of death that sent it into hiding, or else prior massacres would have made it vanish, too.

No, the only time the death stone has ever pulled a disappearing act before was when Fallon’s magic overwhelmed the death plane.

And that’s not unlike what Issy did when she used Jasper as an amplifier and began her initial bond with him as her fated mate.

Which meant the death stone is no longer in two places at once. It’s weak and seeking shelter.

It’s in the death plane in a place where it feels safe.

If I were an ancient magical artifact tied to the power of death magic, where would I hide?

In a powerful source.

I frown.

Hmm, like a manifestation spirit?

That realization makes me want to seek out Issy, but I haven’t quite figured out the new telepathic ability we apparently have. Whenever I attempt to reach out to her, it feels like I hit a wall.

Now, though, I realize she’s in danger. Because if she’s linked to the death stone in any way, that changes things.

I find the wall that feels like her, that smells like her floral, decadent tones that linger in her blood, and beat against it.


Kornelius?she asks dreamily.What’s wrong? Are you okay?

I’m about to answer when a voice interrupts my conversation with my mate.

“Kornelius, there you are,” Royce says, far closer than I would have given him credit for.

I don’t move, not eager to let him know that he snuck up on me.

No one surprises me.

“Royce,” I say, not looking away from the horizon where I had been watching him.

Royce is here,I tell Issy.

A shadow slips over the cracked grass and I finally glance at him.

He appeares quite smug, likely knowing that he caught me off guard. I know it’s probably because we’re in the center of a gravesite, one filled to the brim with his ancestral power, but that doesn’t make me feel any better.

“You said you had an update for me?” he asks casually as he summons a chair of bones, showing off his magic.

He has a lot more than he should, even in the middle of a graveyard. “Yes,” I say, keeping my tone relaxed despite my mind zipping through possibilities of what we might have missed.

I’ve been tracking Royce since he began the competition with Zane of hunting Issy. Although, neither of them had made any great strides in finding her.

Almost as if they were waiting for her to come to them.

Suddenly, this plan feels like it’s the wrong one.

Issy, I think we made a mistake. We can’t tell Royce where you are. Are you still with Zy? Tell him to get you out of—

“An update on the witch betrothed to my cousin?” Royce asks, his eyes glittering with cruelty as he once again interrupts my internal conversation with Issy. “Or an update on the death stone?”

Standing, I decide I need to change gears. Royce is up to something and I’m not going to fall for it. I’ll have to explain the rest to Issy when I get a chance.
