Page 131 of Taste Me

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She won’t like it, but I need something of value to distract Royce.

“There’s been movement in the death plane. Something that doesn’t belong there is causing trouble. Remember that death goddess that Zane is always going on about? It seems he was actually onto something.”

Royce taps his chin. “Oh, not what I was expecting you to say. A death goddess, hmm? Zane is a little off his nut, even if he is useful now and again with that phasing ability of his. But a deity hiding in the death plane? I’m going to need proof of that.”

I shrug. “Take it or leave it. I’m just telling you what I’ve learned.” It isn’t uncommon for Zy and me to perform spells or scrying recon in the death plane. Given our hybrid nature, it makes us uniquely suited for riskier spells that might stop the caster’s heart.

Ours already don’t beat.

Royce grins and the sunlight flickers as if someone jiggled a switch. He vanishes, then appears right in front of me as shadows spiral around him with ominous waves. “I was hoping you were going to tell me what you’ve really been up to.”

“And what is that?” I ask, keeping my voice steady.

Kor, are you okay? What’s going on?Issy presses, but I can’t reply to her with Royce distracting me.

He chuckles. “The truth, Kornelius. That you fucked that little witch of yours—prepared her tight pussy, am I right?” He leans in and lightly slaps my cheek, making me snarl. “How did it feel putting your cold, dead cock inside of her knowing that I’m next?”

I know he’s goading me, but he’s threatening Issy.

He’s making me seered.

Snarling, I engage my vampiric speed that’s comparable to Royce’s strange power on this gravesite.

He doesn’t even try to stop me.

Instead, he laughs when I rip into his throat and send his blood splattering over the thirsty, cracked grass.

I realize my mistake too late.

All this time we were planning a trap for Royce and Zane, unaware that the trap had already been placed.

We played right into their hands. My spirit screams as Royce engages the death stone link that has enslaved my soul for years. A graveyard is the perfect place to make the transition he was already planning when he arrived.

Maybe he’s been planning it all along, just waiting for his chance.

The death stone is still a part of me, even if it has gone missing. And it is currently hiding inside of Jewel, a manifestation spirit with a direct link to my mate, to one of the most powerful death witches in the world that I am now permanently connected to.

Make room, Kornelius. It’s time for you to fulfill your role as my vessel.

It’s time to step aside.

It’s time to wither and die.

Royce’s voice shouts and rumbles through my mind like thunder, shoving me deeper into the depths of my psyche. Pain rakes through me as he tries to shove me out entirely, but I dig in and carve myself in place.

It leaves me helpless and completely immobile. I can’t even hear more than an echo of Issy’s questioning voice asking if I’m okay.

I watch in horror through my own eyes as Royce gains control of my limbs. He flexes my fingers, then tests out my fangs.

“Oh, this’ll be fun,” he murmurs using my voice, then steps over his spent body.

Kor?Issy presses again and I’m able to hear her.

But I can’t reply.

To my horror, my voice responds to her, but it’s not me saying the words. It’s Royce.

I’m here,he says, using my voice.I’m on my way.
