Page 139 of Taste Me

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It’s no matter. We’ll all be transported to the death plane soon.

Jasper looks down at his father, a body with no limbs and bloody stumps. The vampire stares back at him with dark eyes filled with hate. “You should never have been born,” he growls.

“Goodbye, Father,” Jasper whispers, then cleanly slices off his head.

It rolls across the ground without ceremony as I speak the last part of the spell in my native tongue.

“Powers of death, accept this sacrifice. Take us to a goddess who’s not a goddess—a spirit of hope and a spirit of light that burns in the dark. Bring to her the key to break chains and the medium of death to transform into life.

“Bring her our hope.

“Bring her our hate.

“Bring her oursouls.”

So it is done. So mote it be.



Iexpected a trip to the death plane to be more painful in my corporeal form, but it’s not.

My spell is effective, using Royce’s spirit to weave a netting of protection over all of us as I step into the library that Jewel built.

She’s waiting for me, sweating and weak as she leans against massive doors. They bump against her back, bulging with a weight coming from behind it.

“About time,” she says with a frail laugh.

Her soft silver hair seems flat and wet ringlets cling to her face. Her eyes, once a light blue but now more of a soft gray, widen when my mates come up from behind me.

Jasper takes my hand. Zy loops his arm around my waist, and Kor takes his place at my back, resting a palm on my shoulder.

All of them are touching me, providing me with strength and magic.

But most of all, they remain at my side or behind me, letting me take the lead.

That is the power of their trust.

Their belief.

“So these are your mates, huh?” Jewel asks with a sense of awe. She leans away from the door, then a rough slam comes from the other side, making the reinforcement beam crack.

She curses and pushes back up against it again. She’s clearly struggling when she shouldn’t be. She’s one of the most powerful supernatural species to exist.

“You’re a manifestation spirit, Jewel,” I tell her. My words roll out in waves of power. My spell is in full effect, and each lapping echo of energy rushes toward Jewel, seeping into her and putting color back into her face. “You can do anything that you believe you can do, so why are you holding up the door to this library looking like you’re about to lose?”

Jewel blinks at me a few times. My magic has helped her to roll her shoulders back as she seems to think of her answer. “I-I don’t know. I’m just tired.”

“It’s not strength that’s been worn down,” Kor offers from behind me. “It’s your confidence.” He presses a kiss to the back of my head. “My mate here believes in you, Jewel. Enough to bring us here to show you herself.”

Another bulge at the reinforcement makes the entire door crack and Jewel squeaks with alarm. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think that’s going to do me much good. My magic doesn’t work… that way,oof.”

Another slam sends her flying forward, but I don’t move to help her.

Because she needs to see for herself what she’s capable of.

“Let them in,” I say, eager to face Daithi and his army. “You won’t have to fight them alone.”
