Page 140 of Taste Me

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Jewel scrambles to her feet as the door continues to crack, revealing dark gouges that allow us to see through to the other side into the native land of the death plane.

It’s dark, gloomy, and rocky. The only thing that pleases me about it is knowing that Daithi must hate it here.

Jewel joins me as the door disintegrates, revealing the patriarchs just as I remember them.

They’re wearing robes and Datihi is their lead. He has stubble as if he hasn’t shaved, even though I know it’s his spirit looking at me now. He gives me a cruel grin. “Issy, my dear. How sweet of you to bring our vessels to me.”

Jasper moves as if to step in front of me, but I hold him back.

All of you need to keep your hands on me. Feed me as much of your magic as you can.

It’ll weaken them, but we only have one shot at this.

Daithi approaches, then stops to regard Jewel. “And you, stubborn thing. I’m going to put you back in the tomb designed for you. You’re important to me, dear.”

She backs up far enough to brush against me. “You mean mymagicis important to you. That’s how you’ve done all this, right?” She starts counting off items on her fingers. “Made spells to use vampire hybrids for your vessels. Kept you and your buddies corporeal enough in the death plane to walk around and get into trouble. Oh, and don’t get me started on the death stone shit.”

Daithi frowns at the mention of the stone. “Yes, about that. I’d like it back now.”

“It’s been lost since the first massacre in Lapland,” Kor says.

I grin, because I know exactly where it went.

“Not lost,” I say, glancing at Jewel. “Hidden.” I show her the mark on my wrist. “It’s here, isn’t it?”

Her eyes widen. “I… placed it in you?”

“You entrusted it to me,” I correct her. “Now it’s your turn to take it back. To destroy it for good.”

“No!” Daithi shouts as the patriarchs corral around him, murmuring a spell.

An invisible weight presses down on me, but I know this spell. It’s a suppression spell that’ll put the victim in a coma if allowed to progress.

Always trying to make us go to sleep,I muse as I wave away the dark magic with a blast of energy.Always trying to silence voices more powerful than your own.

Jewel ignores the chaos. Instead, she’s pressing her fingers against my skin, staring at the mark as her expression changes.

I smile when I see hope in her eyes.

The death stone glitters into existence as the mark she placed on me fades. It rises into the air.

Jewel glances at me, but I give her a nod. “All yours.”

She’s been locked in here for Gods know how long. This is her win to take.

She bites her lower lip, then reaches up to touch the stone. “I’m finally free,” she breathes, her belief transforming into reality as the stone fractures.

She’s gone in the next instant, but I remain. My spell that’s keeping us here is weakening. We’ll be going soon, just like she did, but not right away.

Because I have a job to finish here.

The ground rumbles and shakes in response and the patriarchs are left without their lifeline.

I shrug off my mates, giving them each an encouraging caress before I approach Daithi, who is the last one holding on.

“So much turmoil, and for what?” I ask him as he crumples to the ground. Each word I utter now shreds his spirit like gauze caught in the heat of a flame.

His robes dig into him when he moves, turning into molten power that drips down to his translucent bones.
