Page 66 of Taste Me

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Zy leans back, spreading out in his chair. “We figured out that his magic number is five hundred after he was yanked through to a massacre site a few times. Implanting the devices was the easy part. It was finding suitable candidates that Kor the Judgy approved of that was the hard part.”

“Suitable candidates?” I ask.

“Rapists,” Kor responds without missing a beat. “Zy was only allowed to implant rapists for the fail-safe.”

My eyes widen as I begin to change my mind about Kor. “You managed to find five hundred rapists?”

Zy huffs a laugh. “This is No Man’s Land. That wasn’t a difficult feat. The bigger challenge was confirming it with the victims. They don’t like to fess up to it—fear of repercussions and all that. But I started hacking into Outcast Coven monitoring footage and that helped me find a lot more targets without involving the victims at all.”

“It’s very important that the claims were verified,” Kor says. “Our mother would have wanted us to use our power to make this world better. To take out the monsters like the vampire who sired us.”

Our father was the worst of the worst, and if he had any redeeming qualities, they had no doubt died with our mother.

We were born vampires, not made, which only pissed off our father more. He had once been a human, and even though he was a master vampire, it still wasn’t enough.

He hated that he had once been weak, and killed anyone who cared to remind him of it.

The fact that we had everything he always wanted and, by his point of view, had taken his mate from him, made him vengeful.

“So why didn’t you implant people like Royce if it’s that easy?” I ask. It’s clear that there is still a danger present. These wanna-be patriarchs are in charge and that is an issue that needs to be dealt with. And based on the look he’d given Issy, he likely qualified for Kor’s kill list.

“It’snotthat easy,” Zy says, now twirling a switchblade.

Where does he keep producing these weapons from?

“The devices aren’t ours,” Kor says, his mood darkening. “They’re our father’s and he had a say in where they were placed.”

My eyebrows shoot up. “What?”

My father had disappeared years ago and I was so glad to be rid of him that I never looked into it. He could have fallen into a pit or choked on his own blood for all I cared.

Zy makes a sound of annoyance and moves to the window.

It’s a spectacular view. Who knew that the syndicates and the Outcast Coven were living it up out here? Buildings and lights sprinkle throughout the luxurious townhomes and a couple of newer-looking buildings. The only evidence that we’re still in No Man’s Land is the horizon of abandoned structures everywhere the moon touches.

“Remember his power? He can phase through matter. It’s expanded now that he can create devices that phase through matter, too. But it takes his magic to do it.”

I blow out a breath while I process the fact that my father—ourfather—is still alive. “So what was his requirement for these five hundred souls you took? Because I doubt he cared if they were confirmed rapists.”

“They had to be a threat to the agenda,” Kor says. His amber eyes glitter with rage. If he’s been under our father’s thumb all these years, I can’t blame him for being pissed off. “And the agenda is reinstating the patriarchs and holding power—meaning killing anyone who isn’t staying in line.”

“Were any innocents caught up in this?” I ask.

Zy shakes his head. “No, I made sure everyone targeted was someone that had pissed our father off, or someone he didn’t care about, and was a confirmed offender.”

I hum in response. “Well, it’s too bad Royce hasn’t pissed him off yet. He seems like he’s going to be a pain in the ass.”

Zy stabs the wall and leans into the hilt as he peers outside. He’s taken off his glasses and I can see his green eyes reflected in the window. He’s looking at me instead of the view outside. “Those two assholes are good buddies. You need to prepare yourself, Jas, because if he’s coming tomorrow, then so is our father.”

“Then Ishara isn’t safe here,” I say as I shoot to my feet. “We have to move her. We have to—”

“And go where?” Kor says, somehow face-to-face with me even though I didn’t see him get up.

Damn, he’s fast.

“Anywhere but here.” Letting a monster like my father in the same vicinity as my new mate is out of the question.

“Then you might as well kill her yourself,” Zy says, slipping his glasses back on before turning around as he leaves the blade embedded in the wall. “No Man’s Land is a dangerous place. There’s a reason supernaturals ally themselves with a House. Fuck, even the syndicates are probably going to make a House of their own one of these days. Power and safety is in numbers, brother.”

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