Page 99 of Taste Me

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My spirit lowers to the ground, setting my feet on the floorboards as I stare at Kornelius and Zyran leaning over my body.

I look so fucking pale and weak.

“You don’t deserve for me to stay,”I snarl. My words come out garbled and strange, as if spoken with ethereal magic instead of the vibrations of a biological body.

They both jolt and whirl on me.

My body is there, but my spirit isn’t inside of it right now. I feel the tether to my heart that rests underneath Zy’s heavy hand.

Kornelius seems resigned. “We don’t,” he says.

The hurt in his gaze makes me flinch, but I won’t fall for his puppy eyes.

Flashes of what happened roll through my head.

They were biting me.

They were killing me.

And when I said the safe word… they didn’tstop.

“Why?” I ask. My eyes burn as if tears want to form, but my spirit can’t produce them.

Zy hangs his head and stares at my body, which is going ghastly pale.

Kornelius is the one to answer. “We’re vampires, Issy. There is no reasoning to explain what we did. There is no apology that could make up for it.” His jaw flexes. “Although, if you choose to stay, I’ll do everything I can to make it up to you, or spend the rest of my life trying.”

“Me, too,” Zy says without looking up. The agony in his voice makes me want to give in.

But then I look back down at my body. Blood has soaked through the fresh bandage.

They did this to me.

Ishara?a voice asks in my head.Are you coming?

I don’t recognize the voice, but apparently Kornelius and Zyran can hear it, because both of them snap up their gazes to look at me.

Who are you?I ask.

I’m… it’s not important who I am. The real question is, you’re dead, but you don’t want to be, do you? I can help with that.

I sense that the voice on the other end is coming from the death plane. A rush of ice slips up my spine as she talks and a growing sensation of pressure spreads through the left side of my chest.

In response, Zy flinches away as if my skin has burned him.

A bloody, circular mark appears on my chest just over my heart.

“What the fuck?” Zy says under his breath. He glances at me. “Don’t listen to whatever is calling you, Issy. Stay here. Ibegof you.”

The voice on the other end must be a spirit, perhaps an ancient one. She’s offering me a chance to restore my life.

If I stay here, I get to watch my body die with the mates who killed me.

No, thanks.

“Goodbye, Zyran. Goodbye, Kornelius,” I say with finality.

Both of them stare at me as I watch their hearts break.
