Page 125 of Knot For A Moment

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Those paired with a bra that was sparkly in its own right. The bra was nearly the color of my skin so it looked like I wore nothing but glitter. I’d made sure to cover what was bare with body glitter too. I looked like a constellation.

It was a contradiction, wanting to wear this for them in public and yet not wanting the statue of me to be more revealing. But here, with them, I felt safe. And it was just for them. Before the rest of my friends got here and it turned into a party. I wanted their eyes on me, and they were.

None of them spoke. Even if they had, I wouldn’t have been able to hear them over the music. But their attention lit me up hotter than a spotlight. Meeting each one of their gazes, I tossed my coat to Jace and stepped back until I reached the veiled platform, disappearing into the fabric and becoming nothing more than a sparkling silhouette.

The music changed to something just a little slower, and I grabbed the fabric, dragging it around myself, leaning into the moment. It felt incredible. The last time I was here, I was trying to lose myself in the music because I’d been so sad about having no one. This time I sank into the music purely so I could perform formyAlphas.

Every single one of them knew I hadn’t gotten off this morning, because Roman told them I hadn’t. Energy zinged between us, even through the fabric. Fuck, their eyes felt like fingers dragging down my skin. I was so wired I thought I might be able to come just like this. Without them so much as laying a finger on me.

Song after song passed, and I didn’t stop, melding with the music and justmoving. This was why I really danced here. It wasn’t about perfection and choreography. It was raw and messy and only about what you felt in the moment.

It wasn’t an act.

Just you.

Sweat covered my skin, the glitter damp and my hair sticking when Ash appeared, pushing into the fabric with me. One hand pressed my hips into his, the other gripping my hair just enough to bring our lips together. But he didn’t kiss me. Between our bodies, his cock was harder than the railing of the balcony behind us.

“Sure you’re meant to be a ballerina, blue? You might have missed your calling with contemporary.”

“Does that mean you like it?”

He groaned. “If you even have to ask…”

Our mouths collided, no holding back. Exactly like our first kiss in that hallway below the theater, neither of us could take it slow. My body was about to combust. The dressing room would be empty right now. I needed to drag him down there and—

A ripple went through the club, and a couple of screams. Happy and shocked ones. Ash and I broke apart and looked. Through the filmy fabric, I saw an army of people coming toward us. Including Eva and her team of bodyguards. Which was why the entire club was watching.

“Saved by the bell, sweetheart.”

“Who said anything about wanting to be saved?”

I took one step to go see everyone, and Ash pulled me back, a hand around my throat. “You haven’t spent a night in my bed yet, sweetheart. I want you riding my face and I want to ride yours. With my cock all the way down that sweet throat. Roman may have started this, but I’m going to fucking finish it.”

My moan was lost in the sound of the music.

Ash leaned in and licked my throat, tasting sweat and glitter on my skin before groaning. “Go see your friends before I put you on your knees and see how you feel about being watched.”

My knees were jelly stepping off the platform. I barely had a chance to recover before Eva was on me, sweeping me into a hug, Petra and Esme not far behind her. “This was an incredible idea,” she shouted.

“You can thank Asher,” I said. “He thought it might be fun.”

Esme laughed. “I haven’t been here since the picture. Nice to be back.” Ben, the Alpha who featured in the scandalous picture with her, smirked before pulling her back into his arms. They’d gotten a little carried away, and the paparazzi took advantage of it.

According to Eva, the pack had a copy of the image framed somewhere in their mansion. And more, the photoshoot she’d skipped our girl’s night for was an extension of that photo. But with all of her Alphas.

“Yeah.” Petra cleared her throat. “I haven’t been here in a while either.”

I shared a secret smile with her. The last time she was here, I called Cole to come get her because she needed him more than she needed me. And they absolutely had sex in the closet. I’d watched them go in, and when they came out, Petra’s hair looked like she’d gone through a wind tunnel, along with being flushed brighter than a sunburn.

Behind the four of us, our packs mingled together, mine being introduced to the ones they didn’t know. I saw Gabriel and Harrison talking quietly, and my stomach tumbled. We had a restraining order, but was there anything else?

From the dance floor, people looked up at the VIP area with curiosity. They knewsomeonewas here, even if they didn’t know who. I wasn’t worried about paparazzi. If Eva was here, she had security outside. No scandalous photos for any of us tonight.

Dion and his Alphas crashed up the stairs a second later, with him bursting into our midst. “The party is truly here. You’re welcome.” He hugged me. “It’s about time we partied. It’s been too long. Thank you for the excuse to grind on my Alphas’ dicks.”

I laughed, hugging him back. “Anytime. Though I didn’t think you’d need an excuse to do that.”

“Nah, but sometimes it’s fun. It’s been a while since they’ve been in rut, and some of them could use it. If I’m lucky they’ll knot me so hard I go into heat. Then I can make Ian pissed atme.”
