Page 147 of Knot For A Moment

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The shorter blonde Alpha chuckled. Blake. “Pretty sure Petra would have come with or without us, and none of us are quite ready to have that kind of separation.”

I knew enough about what had happened to their Omega that I couldn’t blame them. If Sloane had been taken, I didn’t know that I’d even be able to let her out of my bed, let alone leave to go places like rehearsal. If Craig—

Quickly, I shut the thought down. The only thing he did was bring me thoughts of anger, and while it was justified, I wasn’t going to bring that to Sloane tonight. She could feel us now.

“Thank you for the other night,” I told them. “If you hadn’t been there it might have been a murder charge.”

Cole’s cold anger showed on his face. “I wouldn’t blame you there.”

“I know this isn’t exactly the place, but have you found anything else?”

Harrison glanced around, seeing who was close by before speaking. “I might have, yes. Are you familiar at all with Hourglass Investments?”

“No. Can’t say that I am.” What investments I had were managed by my brother. He was the one to talk to about that. My financial skills came in the operations side, not themaking itside.



I turned and blinked. My brother walked toward me like I’d conjured him out of my thoughts. “Robert,” I said, embracing him when he stepped in. “What are you doing here?”

“I happened to be in Slate City. Figured I should come say hello when my little brother bonds.”

“Your brother?” Emery, Petra’s fourth Alpha asked. “You guys don’t look much alike.”

Robert clapped me on the shoulder. “No, we wouldn’t. I’ve got twenty years on him. Two different moms in the same pack, but this one,” he jerked his thumb at me, “was an accident.”

“He never lets me forget it either,” I said dryly.

I made introductions before I turned to him. “You’re exactly who I wanted to talk to, by the way. Harrison was just going to tell me some things about Hourglass Investments. Have you heard of them?”

My brother choked on the champagne he’d just snagged from one of the waiters circulating. “Is that a joke?”


“I swear to fuck, Gabriel, if you move any of your investments to that company—”

Holding my hands up, I laughed. “I’m not. Cross my heart. But that gives me an answer about whether you’ve heard of it.”

Staring at me for a second, he relaxed once he realized I wasn’t going to ruin myself financially. “I have definitely heard of it. What’s left of it, anyway.”

“What’s left of it?” I glanced at Harrison. “What about it?”

Harrison smirked in satisfaction. “Craig Sullivan is the CEO of Hourglass Investments. Or, like your brother said, what’s left of it. Seems like they’ve had trouble for years. Likely due to… unwise decisions.”

Robert groaned into his glass of champagne. “Sullivan couldn’t make a good choice if it were presented to him on the platinum platter hewisheshe could afford. He’s a laughingstock in the industry, and no one will touch him with a ten-foot pole.”

“About a year ago they had an influx of cash,” Cole said. “Looked like they might recover, but didn’t. Lost everything, predictably. He couldn’t maintain it. Everything fell apart a couple of weeks ago, and he filed to dissolve the corporation.”

I looked between the two of them. “A couple ofweeks?”

“Thought that might interest you.”

Since that first day at the company when Ash and I encountered Sloane, it had been three weeks. Two weeks ago would have been after Craig found Ash at her apartment, and before we saw him outside, when he looked positively wrecked.

Robert watched me carefully. “I missed something.”

My mouth firmed into a line. “Sullivan is Sloane’s ex. Or he likes to think he is. The amount of time they were together is so minimal she never considered them together, but he’s having… a hard time letting go.”
