Page 77 of Knot For A Moment

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All he did was put the phone in my hand, and I felt the blood drain out of my face.




Sloane went pale so quickly my gut twisted. Her already light skin turnedwhitewith whatever she saw on the screen. Asher’s arms were around her, legs too, holding her as close as he could, allowing his instincts to take care of her and relieve him.

“I don’t understand,” she said. “We weren’t… It wasn’t that serious. It was only a few dates. I haven’t even texted him since the first day of class.”

I held my hand out wordlessly for the phone, and she gave it to me.

“I won’t pretend to know why,” Ash said into her hair. “But it’s okay. You’re here with us, and that’s not going to change.”

Sloane’s phone was open to her texts. And it was clear this man was unhinged, and I hadn’t even started reading. There were no responses on Sloane’s side. Just message after message after message.

I scrolled up a little, to a couple of days ago, while we were all still consumed with her heat.


Where the fuck are you, Sloane?

We need to talk.

I’ve been to your apartment every day. Why aren’t you there?

Are you shacking up with that prick? The one who ordered you around while I was standing right there?

Do you have any idea what I tried to do for you at that concert?

I was going to take you backstage to meet Alexander Serrat. That’s right, I got you a pass to meet him, and they were waiting for us at the door, and then YOU WEREN’T FUCKING THERE and I looked like some kind of idiot.

Tried to do something nice for you, and you humiliated me to go fuck a weak little playboy? When you could have me?

You have no idea what I did to get you that introduction. I put my ass on the line for you, and you threw it in my face.

That’s not going to fly, Sloane.

I turned down people for you. I passed up pussy a lot better than yours because I felt bad for you, and this is how you treat me?

That’s not how this works. I gave you a lot, and you’re going to make it up to me. Whatever that cock’s name is doesn’t have more claim to you than I do. Fuck scent-sympathy. That shit isn’t real. If you don’t talk to me you’ll regret it.

You’re mine, remember?

I told you that if I tried, you were mine, and I’m trying so fucking hard, Sloane.

You are going to call me. You are going to come to me and present. I’m going to make sure you’re good and satisfied. Hell, we’ll even make you go into heat so you can feel what it’s like to have a real Alpha.

You know what? Screw you. You’re falling off as a dancer, gaining weight with all that bullshit Indian food and candy you eat. No one could ever want you.

But maybe I’ll make an exception. Because I’m a good guy. I’ll still fuck you.

The texts stopped until earlier today.


I’m not a patient man, Sloane. I’m not going to wait on you forever.
