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The flower mandala was stunningly beautiful and consisted of circles and spirals radiating out from the crescent moon. Many of the blooms were scented, and the construction gave off a rich floral aroma.

Fletcher had to admit he was impressed by the display. He wondered if the witches would do something similar for his and Madison's bonding ceremony.

“Very soon, we will be starting the circle ceremony,” said Anton. “Everyone will bring their flower offerings to encapsulate the mandala in a circle of white flowers. This will give the Moon our protection while she carries the Sun's child.”

Just then, Madison and Tanith rejoined them. They were both carrying bouquets of white flowers ready for the ceremony.

“Before we start, I have something for you,” Tanith said to Madison. “Our families have been linked for many generations, as I’m sure you are aware.”

“Yes, I know. I was taught my magical lineage by my mother, and I have wanted to visit the coven here for a long time,” Madison replied.

This seemed to please Tanith. “That is good,” she said. “As you know, we share a great-great-grandmother named Alison.”

“Yes,” replied Madison. “In our family, she is known as Grandma Alis.”

“We often call her that, too,” Tanith responded, smiling. “She was one of the greatest witches of all time, or so the family legend tells it.”

“Mine too. She was said to have healed King Dinis when he was shot with a poison-tipped arrow laced with wolfsbane.”

“And delivered more than thirteen princes and princesses to his many wives and lovers,” added Tanith with a laugh.

“Makes you wonder where the poisoned arrow came from with that track record.” Madison laughed wryly, too.

Fletcher was watching the exchange. He had hoped Madison would enjoy the day, but he hadn’t realized that the two women were actually distant relatives. “So, does that make you second or third cousins?” he asked.

“I guess third,” said Tanith.

“That’s wonderful. You have family virtually on your doorstep,” Fletcher said to Madison.

“Yes, it is,” Madison said, a warm smile playing about her lips.

“I have this for you,” said Tanith. “It was forged by our great-great-grandmother. It will empower the wearer with strength and courage when she most needs it.”

She held out a necklace constructed of intricately woven gold in a pattern that was too complicated for the eyes to follow, yet it was mesmerically beautiful. Entwined within the construction were jewels and gems that shone and flashed in the midday sunshine.

“That’s so incredible,” Madison said with awe, reaching out and running her fingers over the woven strands. As she did, the embedded jewels lit up to her touch.

Tanith gasped, and Madison jerked her hand away as if she’d been burned. Fletcher’s heart leapt into his mouth, and he was prepared to shift into wolf form and spring at the coven leader. But he noticed the look of wonder on Madison’s face and held his ground.

“Well, it’s never done that before,” Tanith declared, staring at Madison in awe.

“It felt amazing,” Madison said. “As if I was charged with magical energy.”

“May I?” asked Tanith, offering to place the necklace around Madison's neck.

“Sure,” Madison replied, turning and lifting her hair out of the way.

“Are you sure it’s safe?” Fletcher asked. His heart was still pounding in his chest. There was no way he could hide his concern.

“When a magical item reacts like that,” said Tanith, “it is because it found its true owner. This necklace was made for Madison by her great-great-grandmother Alison.”

“It’s fine, my love,” Madison added, placing a calming hand on Fletcher’s arm.

Tanith placed the necklace around Madison's neck and closed the clasp. As soon as the catch clicked shut, the necklace came alive. The golden cords unwove and then re-wove themselves back together, and the beautiful gemstones flashed and shone.

Madison had a look of rapture on her face. Her head tilted slightly back, and her eyes closed. The effect was mesmerizing. Fletcher couldn’t take his eyes off the artifact or the beauty of Madison's face.

By the time the lights stopped flashing, there was a circle of witches standing around them. They were holding hands and chanting a hypnotic dirge. Even without magic coursing through his veins, Fletcher could tell that something powerful had just taken place.
