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“Yes, I was worried it might have skipped me too. It didn’t seem fair when both Taryn and Lexi had managed to shift after they were bonded, and then you hadn’t. I was afraid to find out whether or not I could, to be honest. It was better to not know and still have hope,” said Madison.

“I guess the twin bond is stronger than the mating bond,” Addison replied.

“Maybe,” Maddy replied. “We share the same DNA after all. Maybe both of our DNA’s had to change at the same time.”

The two women talked as they dressed and then did each other’s hair just like they used to. Madison felt incredibly comforted by the presence of her twin.

“Isn’t it amazing, though, being able to shift?” said Madison as she braided Addy’s long tresses. “It’s better than my wildest dreams about it. I can feel it even now, the wolf within me.”

“I know,” Addison agreed. “I could always feel it, even as a kid, but it was like it was locked away so deep inside me I just couldn’t connect with it.”

“Yes, exactly that, and then suddenly the barrier dropped, and it was released,” Madison gushed.

“And now it’s an equal part of me,” Addison said, finishing Maddy’s sentence as she so often did.

“Just under the skin, ready and waiting,” Madison said.

“To come out and play,” finished Addison.

The twins threw themselves onto the bed, laughing. They felt euphoric.

“It’s pretty amazing being mated also,” Madison said.

“I know. I don’t know why I resisted it for so long,” agreed Addy.

“I didn’t really have a choice. Fletcher bit me while I was unconscious,” Madison said without rancor. “But I’m so glad he did it. He saved my life.”

Suddenly, Addison leaned over and punched her on the arm. “Yeah, and that’s for nearly dying on me. Don’t you dare do it again,” she said.

“Ow, that hurt!” Madison complained. “I don’t plan to make a habit of it, you know.”

“Good. What’s happening with that bitch, anyway?” Addison asked her.

“She’s in a holding cell. Fletcher thought I might like to have a word with her.”

“I’ll have a word with her,” Addison said darkly.

“She’s in love with Fletcher,” Madison told her.

“That does not give her the right to attack you. You nearly died. Fletcher should have ripped her throat out.” Addison growled as she said it.

Maddy could feel a growl rising in her own throat. Everything was black and white in the wolf world. Kill or be killed. But Madison had spent most of her life as a human. Humans were more complicated and more cruel. “Death’s too good for her,” she growled. “I’ve got a better idea.”

The twins sat in Madison’s room for a while, working on the details, and then made their way downstairs. They would need their sisters for this to work.

The family cheered when the twins walked into the room. Taryn and Lexi came straight over and gave their sister a hug.

“You worried us, Maddy,” Lexi scolded.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” said Taryn at the same time.

Once the hubbub and well-wishing died down, Maddy and Addy shared their plan regarding Lila. Fletcher smiled. “I’ll take you down to see her,” he said, leading the way.

The holding cell was quite civilized compared to some others. It was dry and had light coming in from a window high on the wall.

“Bind her,” Fletcher ordered to the guards as they approached.

Lila was duly chained to an iron ring in the center of the floor. “He should have been mine,” she hissed at Madison when she entered the room.
