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“You think that we’re gonna let some half-breed become anything more than an ill-bred bitch to us?” the leader laughed, getting some low chuckles from his posse.

While the lead boy led the verbal charge, some of his others peeled off to knock over Madison’s displays of the new material she and her mother had labored over before committing to a layout.

She was done with this shit.

Madison could take care of herself. She didn’t care if whatever she did caused a ripple effect through the people. This group proved that they were getting bolder.

She needed them to know she didn’t need the king to protect her. She was her own hero, and she knew this game all too well. Madison would not be taken lightly simply because she couldn’t shift.

Quite the contrary. She was a force to be reckoned with. Somehow, everyone forgot about her magic.

Madison stood tall and closed the gap between her and the leader. She caught them off guard, just as she knew that she would. She got right in his face and pushed her chest out.

If they wanted to be tough guys, that was fine. She’d see just how tough they were.

Madison refused to be bullied.

Shoving her finger in his chest, she snapped. “You get your weak ass out of here right now, and I’ll forget the whole thing.”

A hesitant laugh gurgled, followed by the question she hated most.

“What? Are you going to go running back to fetch the king?”

She hated that everyone thought that she needed Fletcher.

She got on her toes, touched his nose with hers, and whispered calmly. “I don’t need him to deal with you.”

Madison took a step back away from the mini pack and held her hands up, creating a purple orb that appeared to pulse with electricity.

Immediate fear and doubt sprang up in their eyes, including the eyes of their so-called leader. None of them knew what the orb meant.

She had their attention now, so she took full advantage of it. “Why so quiet? Don’t you think that you all could take me?”


“That’s what I thought.” Her voice lost the innocent act, turning serious and dark. “Now listen closely. Do not fuck with me, no matter what you think you can get away with. You were too stupid to remember what else I could do, and now you refuse to acknowledge that I will be your queen no matter what you want. And sooner rather than later.”

One took a hesitant step forward.

Madison spread her hands apart, growing her crackling orb, looking as if she were about to roll it straight at the one who had stepped over the imaginary line.

All the shifters took a step back with a few gasps from one or two.

They were scared of her for now, and that would have to do.

“Now, I will not ask again.”

She didn’t need to do anything else. Madison could practically see their tails tucked between their legs as they snorted and made low remarks about how she wasn’t worth it as they slunk out like whipped dogs.

It made her smirk, but only for a moment. She had hoped maybe a little too much that things were starting to settle. This interaction just proved her wrong.

Bitterness overtook her fleeting victory even more quickly when she saw one of Fletcher’s enforcers, Max, barrel through the door as the last two scurried away at the sight of him.

Max glowered at the group until they were well out of sight before making his way toward Madison, who had begun picking up the displays the group had knocked over.

She may have acted calm, but she was beyond pissed off. Being checked on by one of Fletcher’s babysitters just angered her even more.

If Fletcher didn’t take her seriously, then who ever would?
