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“How long has it been?” Lily asked as she poured herself and Sophia another glass of Roscato.

Lily let the cheap, fruity nectar flow past her lips before topping her glass off.

Her best friend, Sophia, rolled her dark brown eyes as she dropped herself onto Lily’s couch and turned on the television, ignoring the question at first.

Lily had a massive piece of art painted in cool shades of blue and gray that hung behind the television screen. It was her biggest piece. The rest of the house had paintings that had struck her fancy over the years.

But she kept her own paintings hidden away, only displaying them in her office.

“Not even fifteen minutes. Just come and pick out a movie. The pizza will get here faster that way.”

Lily piled her long, wavy brown hair on top of her head, letting out a huff. She grabbed the glasses and carried them to her lounging confidant, setting them on the coffee table.

“I feel like all I do is look forward to eating. I guess that’s all I’m destined for.”

“Oh, stop it.” Sophia hit her mopey friend with a pillow.

Lily wanted to be kidding. She was trying to be in a good mood. She knew that Sophia was here because she was worried about Lily.

Her friend’s face turned serious. “Listen. I know it was hard to hear that you aren’t qualified and don't have the money to get inseminated. Or for adoption. I know how badly you’ve been wanting a child, Lil. I know it’s something you were born to do. And I know it’s not the same, but you have a lot of children that look up to you.”

Lily smiled, thinking about her job. “I do love being an art teacher. I love seeing the kids’ interpretations of things.”

Art had always inspired Lily. Teaching it had seemed like the obvious path. She had never regretted a moment of it. All she was missing was someone to share it with.

“See, there ya go.” Sophia smiled. “That’s something.”

“I know. I’m sorry. It’s just that the longer the process took, the more I allowed myself to hope that it was going to work out.”

“I know. And I commend you for wanting to do this all on your own. It’s something I could never do.”

“Yeah, well, you haven’t dated the douchebags that I have.” Lily snorted.


There was a knock at the door.


Lily snatched her wallet off of the counter. She swung the door open and greeted the delivery boy with her high-pitched, I-don’t-know-you voice. She tipped him well, as always, bid him goodnight, and hurried the pizza to the coffee table.

“We don’t need plates, right?”

“Plates are for amateurs.”

“You read my mind.” Lily clinked her glass with Sophia’s.

They each grabbed a piece of pizza and chewed for a moment in silence.

Sophia set her slice down. “I really meant what I said before. I know how badly you’ve been wanting to be a mother.”

Lily set her piece down as well. She took a sip from her glass before saying anything. “I know it seems silly. I’m only twenty-eight, and I know I have time. But it’s what I want more than marriage. I don’t need the right man to be a good mom. I just need a good man’s semen.” Lily laughed.

Sophia smiled, but it looked sad.
