Page 48 of Bear

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David looked like he was fading fast after their busy morning. Maybe he and the puppy could lie down and watch a show. Rascal was in the kitchen making sandwiches for lunch and had already indicated he had an idea for fencing in an area to let the puppy out in. Bear was on board with that. He didn’t want to have to go out on cold mornings with the dog but they had coyotes around and other critters that might hurt the puppy.

Rascal had been a big help but he’d mentioned he didn’t want to overstay his welcome at Locks’ house. Bear wasn’t quite ready to have Rascal live in the house with them because his dad needed his alone time. Maybe he could offer the RV he’d bought to his dad temporarily. They could park it in between the house and the garage. His dad would have his own space but be close enough he could visit whenever he wanted.

Although he had no problem making the puppy decision on his own, he’d wait and discuss moving his dad next door to them with Winnie. He couldn’t wait to see Phoebe’s face when David showed her the puppy. A puppy couldn’t bring back their mom but every little thing showing them this was home would help them feel comfortable.

The slam of car doors had his heart speeding up. Now he was starting to imagine all the bad ways Winnie could react to him getting a dog without asking her. She might decide he and the kids weren’t worth the trouble.

The door slammed as Phoebe stumbled into the room screaming, “Look what we got!”

Winnie helped her not fall then smiled tentatively, then he noticed the puppy his daughter was carrying. He snickered, then couldn’t help laughing. He pointed toward David in the recliner. He laughed harder at Winnie’s eyes widening.

“We gots two?!” David yelled.

Rascal walked in from the kitchen then joined in the laughter as he took in the situation.

“Honey, I guess it’s okay we got a puppy,” Winnie joked as she smiled then kissed his mouth. “I’d hoped you wouldn’t be mad I got a puppy without asking but, umm, I somehow think you’re okay with it.”

Winnie’s sisters immediately checked out David’s dog. Bear rubbed his chest and hugged Winnie a little tighter at the ache of watching David beam as the girls ooh’d and ahh’d over his puppy. He’d had so many doubts but each day with Winnie and their families showed him happiness was possible.

His sunbeam had shown him love could conquer all.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Winnie glanced at thetext Sarah had sent.

Sarah: Think I’ve located Gnat. Haven’t shared with Scoop. Thoughts?

Beth: I think we visit Gnat and put the fear of the Franks sisters in her. Two options—leave Bear alone or suffer our wrath.

Jesse: Agreed.

Remington: I’m up for whatever Winnie wants. If we don’t want the guys to know, though, we’ll need a good excuse.

What she wanted was to keep her family safe and never have Bear have to deal with Gnat again. She didn’t want to necessarily lie to Bear but she didn’t want talking about Gnat to bring him down again.

The last two weeks with the kids had been wonderful. They’d gotten into a routine. Rascal had moved into the RV next to their house. They’d hooked it up to water and electricity. They’d even modified some things to guarantee the pipes didn’t freeze.
