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"This is ridiculous. You can twist words all you want, we all know what happened here and who did it," Ohlav cried in righteous rage.

"I hereby declare the accused as not guilty, but implore you, Lady Alahna, to add a bell to his collar to warn of his approach," Cassair ordered.

I kissed Furbo's head and surreptitiously spit out a down feather that somehow had still managed to get stuck in his fur even though I had cleaned him carefully earlier.

"Don't be a sore loser. It was all in good humor." Brogan clapped a loudly sighing Ohlav on the back.

"As you wish, Warlord."

"Tell Fiona to give you an extra ration of spirits from me," Brogan bribed the livestock master. "And make sure the doors are closed from now on."

Ohlav nodded and glared at Furbo as he walked by me, setting off a feeling of guilt inside of me for the man, but I soothed my conscience that it had been his choice to raise such an upheaval against his warlord.

"Thank you," I said to Brogan, kissing him.

"It was my pleasure." He pulled me against him to kiss me back before he lifted a finger. "But you heard the great tribunal master, Furbo needs a bell."

"And we need guards by the livestock," Cassair snickered as he approached us.

"Thank you," I told him too, honestly pleased by him defending Furbo like this.

"It was my pleasure, Lady Alahna."

"You want something," Brogan observed.

"Besides pleasing a beautiful kallini?" Cassair pretended to look hurt.

And when Brogan only cocked his head, Cassair added, "Am I that transparent?"

"That's why you have never been a good card player"—Brogan placed his hand on his friend's shoulder—"but it also makes you a great diplomat."

"I do have a favor to ask," Cassair admitted.

"Name it."

"One of the kallinies given to you as a tribute, her name is Ammalia… I would like permission to pursue her."

"Have you asked the kallini?" Brogan asked.

Cassair looked affronted. "They were given to you."

As far as I knew, Brogan had never shown any interest in the other three women who had been with me and who were housed in one of the guestrooms. We had all grown up together and exchanged a few words since we were brought here, but their duties had been to the kitchens and cleaning, whereas mine called me to the stables and… Brogan's bedroom. So we hadn't spent that much time together. I vowed to rectify that oversight.

"I will speak to her," I offered.

"I will be in your debt." Cassair bowed slightly.

In my arms, Furbo stirred, and I looked at Brogan questioningly. "Do you think it's safe to let him go?"

"Nobody will dare lay a hand on him, not even Ohlav," Brogan assured me.

I reluctantly let Furbo down, who, without hesitation, made a beeline for where the dogs were just about to be fed. One giant fear-inducing dog bared his teeth, hackles raising at Furbo's approach, and I was about to hasten to save my pet, but Brogan's hand on my arm stopped me.

In a catlike fashion, Furbo clawed the dog over the nose, who, with a yelp and his tail between his legs, retreated. The other dogs moved aside for Furbo to take his choice of their food.

Brogan laughed. "You'd think the greedy little troublemaker filled his belly with chickens this morning."

"He does seem to have a healthy appetite," Cassair observed, grinning and looking at my pet with affection.
