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Brogan's eyes landed on me. "You better ready yourself, my lady, I fully intend to announce you as my mate tonight at the feast."

"You wh-what?" I stuttered.

"Announce you as my mate." He tilted his head, the arrogant lines by his lips deepening.

I heard that Thyres were rather informal about their marriage arrangements. Usually, just like Brogan just proclaimed, a bond was announced during a gathering and that was that. I had however, for one, assumed it might be different for a warlord, since his marriage or mating bond meant a bit more than a regular mating. And for two, as much as I loved him, I was still a girl—a human girl—who had always dreamed of some kind of more… romantic proposal.

Cassair coughed behind his hand before he turned to Brogan. "I believe humans have a different procedure in the matter."

"What kind of procedure?" Brogan wanted to know.

"Well, the groom, that's what the male intending to mate is called, usually asks the father of the bride, that's the kallini to be wed, for her hand in marriage," Cassair explained, and I raised an eyebrow at him wondering where and how he came by all this information.

"Her father died," Brogan remarked, and I felt a small sting in my heart but ignored it. My father's death would always hurt me, but I couldn't allow the pain to dominate my life. And this conversation was… rather amusing.

"In that case, you should ask her," Cassair jerked his chin in my direction as if I weren't standing right next to him, listening to every word.

Brogan looked at me questioningly, and I nodded.

"Fine," Brogan said with a sigh. "Alahna, will you—"

"Nyck, you're doing it all wrong," Cassair stopped Brogan. "You have to go down on one knee and—"

"What?" Brogan thundered, and I barely suppressed a giggle at the thought of my proud warlord going down on one knee asking me to marry him. "She is my tribute."

"Hey, I still have some say in my destiny," I protested, a bit hurt now.

Brogan took one step closer to me, his electric blue eyes penetrating mine. "Is that what you want? Me on my knees, asking you to be my mate?"

I almost said yes, but then I shook my head. Brogan was a warlord and as he pointed out, I was his tribute. It would not go well for him to fall on his knees in front of his people for me. He was already elevating my status incredibly and most likely made some enemies of his subjects in doing so. I could not ask any more of him.

"No," I said in a firm voice. "And yes, I would be honored to be your mate."

His eyes softened, and he lifted my chin up to give me a deep kiss in front of his court, and that was good enough for me.

"What am I supposed to wear for this kind of announcement?" I asked with a thundering heart.

I already knew he loved me, and I loved him, but now he was about to give me the security of a place in his life. A place I had been craving, making me wonder how I had ever gotten this lucky.

Brogan stared at me as if I asked him for the secret of eternal life and I giggled. Of course he wouldn't know.

"I'll figure it out," I told him, giving him another kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too," he replied, not caring one bit for Cassair's surprised look on his face.

I went in search of Aine, who had become a close friend, and as a Thyre she would know what kind of clothing would be appropriate for tonight's feast.

Luckily, I found her with the horses, giving me the opportunity to at least briefly visit with Samju even though I was neglecting him terribly today. Vespa received a treat as well, jealously watched by Samju before I talked Aine into going to Brogan's and my chambers with me to help me sort through the wardrobe he had already provided me with.

Again, I was reminded of how lucky I was. Not only had I found love after losing my father, but with a magnificent male. A warlord nonetheless.

"I think this will look fabulous on you," Aine gushed when she pulled out a virgin-white dress I hadn't worn yet for fear of dirtying it. I didn't think she had any idea that a long time ago, women on Earth used to wear white on their wedding day, but it would do nicely.

She even helped me arrange my long hair into a high updo, leaving some strands dangling. All that was missing was a veil, but a quick glimpse in the mirror assured me I looked radiant and bride-like without it.

Again, my stomach clenched a little at the thought that my father would have loved to give me away as a bride, especially to a man like Brogan. I liked to think he would have approved of my warlord.

"You look beautiful. The warlord won't be able to resist you," Aine enthused, making my stomach flutter.

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