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The saddle wasn't on the chair any longer, and a warm glow spread through me when I realized that Brogan must have already taken it to the stables in anticipation of trying it on Vespa.

For good measure, Aine handed me a light blue pelt to sling over my shoulders when she noticed my slight shiver because the material of the dress wasn't very thick and a slight chill clung to the air that not even the gas fireplace could dispel.

Brogan had ordered shutters on most of the windows, but I had pleaded to leave four uncovered so we could still enjoy the tower room's view. Now all I saw was gray outside peppered with snow flurries blown in small vortexes by the might of the howling wind.

I loved this tower nearly as much as Brogan and had balked at the idea when he proposed we move into warmer chambers during the cold season. Brogan kept me snuggly warm between the furs at night, and I didn't think that would change.

Standing by one of the windows now only increased the chill, but I couldn't help but stare outside even though I could barely see anything.

Without the Comden sun, the cold season was as dark as it was frosty. The Carmac sun barely provided enough warmth to keep us from freezing to death. It didn't provide much in the form of illumination either, even on days not as stormy as today.

Thyre had two suns, which orbited each other, while Thyre orbited farther from the center of either star's systems. During the cold season, the Carmac sun stood in between Thyre and the Comden sun, reducing the warming effects and not giving out much heat in return.

"Shall we?" Aine asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I nodded and followed her down the spiraling tower stairs until we reached the small corridor leading to the great hall. It was warmer here already. Many fires blazed in the great hall, and no windows allowed in any chill. The presence of hundreds of bodies also ensured that nobody would freeze.

Loud voices, laughter, and chatter greeted us when we entered, but most fell silent when they caught sight of Aine and me, making me suspect word about Brogan's intention of declaring me as his bride must have already spread.

I raised my chin and moved forward while my eyes searched for my warlord. I wasn't going to show any signs of nervousness.

Iwasinadeep discussion with Ohlav about how to make up for the loss of the chickens when the great hall behind me fell silent.

Curiously, I turned and my breath caught at the sight of the reason for it.


She was a vision to behold, and I reminded myself to breathe.

I had never seen a more beautiful kallini than her.

Her confidence had grown over the past weeks and she moved about likeā€¦ the mate of a warlord should. Assured and proud.

Had I not already been convinced that she was the right choice for me, one look at her now would have been enough to do so.

The white of her dress brought out the darker strands in her hair, complemented the creaminess of her skin, and highlighted the rosiness of her lips. Her hair was artfully arranged on top of her head, making her appear taller than she was.

Some loose strands played along her cheeks, trailed down her neck, and landed on her exposed shoulders. The coat of a blue brazen was slung over her arms. Seeing the pelt of the first predator I had ever slain complementing her beauty felt right, as if I had killed it just for her. My heart drummed faster the closer she came and it filled me with a sense of appropriateness.

Cassair's words came back to me and suddenly I knew what I needed to do.

I left my friend's side to meet Alahna in the middle of the great hall where all eyes were on us, but it didn't matter to me. To me, it was as if it were only her and me.

"Alahna," I said, needing to say her name out loud to remind me that she was real.

She put her hands out for me, and I gripped them. Her beautiful green-golden eyes shone at me in happiness.

"A warlord only kneels to two people in his life. His father when he bestows his title to him and our great khazar. But today I will change this tradition because no cause is worthier to kneel for than to ask the kallini of my heart to be my mate. To humble myself to ask her to trust me with her life and the lives of her children."

I slowly sank to one knee, ignoring the sharp intake of breath from all the courtiers, warriors, and servants around us. It didn't matter, all my senses were directed at the most beautiful creature on the entire planet.

"Alahna of the humans. You were given to me as a tribute, but today, I ask you as a free kallini, if you will be my mate." I was still holding her hands and felt a tremble go through them.

Alahna sank down next to me on both knees and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Kar, Great Warlord, it would be my honor to be your mate," she replied, making my subjects break out in a loud cheer.

I rose, pulling her up with me, then placed one arm around her waist and bent her back, kissing her warm lips hungrily.

When we finally parted, the loud cheering of the hundreds of people in the great hall was deafening and Alahna's cheeks burned red before she pressed her face into my chest.
