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"What is the meaning of this?" Gryck demanded from me.

"The reason I sent messengers to you," I retorted. "Keep your swords sheathed, he came in peace."

"Peace?" Kendryx spat out. "Him?"

Kendryx's hate of the Vandalls was well known after they slayed his brother in battle a few years ago.

Gryck's demeanor relaxed, but his expression turned a shade darker as he turned to me. "You better explain."

We took our seats, servants brought in warm stew and hot water spiced with spirits and honey to warm my guests' blood.

First, though, I was curious about Fionbyr and Grobhan and probed, "What could have possibly possessed Fionbyr and Grobhan to start a war during the cold season?"

"Fionbyr and Grobhan weren't happy about the new laws and used them as an excuse to try to overthrow me." Gryck placed his cup back on the table.

"They figured that our khazar would have a hard time defending his title during the cold season and attacked," Kendryx elucidated. "They even recruited a human army to swell their numbers."

"I outsmarted them, though, and mated the human leader's daughter to Vandor." Gryck chuckled. "Had I known I already had a warlord mated to a human kallini, I wouldn't have forced this bond on Vandor."

Vandor looked like he was about to protest, but Kendryx beat him to the punch. "Vandor doesn't appear that unhappy about his mating, he didn't waste any time producing a son with her."

Many questions reeled through my mind, like why Vandor would have brought his new bride, whom he obviously adored, and newborn son to a battle, but more urgent matters were at hand. I had a feeling the others would fill me in soon enough.

"Now, about King Uther," Gryck pressed.

"I hope you filled the empty warlord seats of Slotenburg and Acklymburg with capable males, Khazar. We are about to encounter the most formidable foe to ever threaten Thyre." I began to fill in mine and Uthar's part of the story.

"Who is that?" Kendryx stopped me. My eyes followed the direction of his, which had landed on three human kallinies entering the great hall.

Since he had already met Alahna and Vandor's mate, I assumed he was referring to Christina, who followed the two kallinies in tow, looking thoughtful and not as standoffish as she usually did.

"My prisoner," Uthar grumbled.

"A human? Why is she a prisoner?" Gryck wanted to know. "I didn't think your kind had any dealings with humans."

"Not until they attacked my lands," Uthar assented.

Gryck's expression darkened even more, but Vandor was already out of his seat to rush to his mate's side, followed by an overeager looking Kendryx.

Thepoorwomanlookedfrozen and the baby in her arms not much better. The infant couldn't have been more than a few months old, and my mind was burning to find out why she had been on the road with a baby during the cold season.

On our way to the guest quarters, we ran into Chrissy, and I invited her to accompany us, thinking the stranger might be more comfortable in the company of human women than Thyre servants.

"This is Christina, Chrissy," I introduced in English, hoping Damaris spoke the old language as well, when we ran into our prisoner. "Chrissy, would you like to join Damaris and me?"

Chrissy's eyes lit up with curiosity at meeting another human.

"Is that a baby?" she exclaimed.

If Damaris was astounded about the language we were speaking she didn't show it, even as she, filled with pride, and in English answered, "This is Murtagh, my son."

"Damaris is mated to a warlord, like me," I explained.

"Vandor," Damaris filled us in.

"Here." I pointed to an open door, where servants rushed in and out, bringing warm refreshments, clothing, and I hoped had stoked a fire as well as filled a hot bath.

"You and a Thyre had a baby?" Chrissy asked, aghast.
