Page 70 of No Mercy

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“If we can’t get you laid, we can at least feed you and satiate one need.”

“I’m all for food right now.” I might become as big as a house, eating my hormones into silence. Is that even possible?

Maybe a toy is needed after all…

MY TRAINING FOR THE PAST FOURmonths culminates in tomorrow night’s fight. For the past week, besides training, I’ve done nothing but promotional crap. Cap arrived in Vegas a few days ago. He’s been acting off—more of an asshole than normal—especially to me. He’s still upset about me and Frankie not working out. I get it. I want to tell him to chill, that I’ve been having second thoughts, but honestly, I’m not sure.

Yes, I still want her.

Yes, I want to see her every fucking day.

And yes, the idea of committing to a future with her isn’t as scary as it was a couple months ago when I walked away, unable to tell her I wanted more than sex.

Even then I wanted more. I just couldn’t promise it. I couldn’t commit to it. My fears of being a fuck-up for a husband and father are real. But despite my past, after the fight, I’m heading back to Lyndale to win her back.

Living without her is worse than the uncertainty of what our shared future could hold.

I don’t know what I’ll say. What I’ll promise. I’ll get on my knees and beg if need be.

Life has been hell without her, and I need my Angel to bring me back to heaven.

I had my weigh-in early this morning for a fight that doesn’t feel nearly as important as it did months ago. To continue my promotional hell, I’m currently at a breakfast held by WickedTuff, the promoter for tomorrow’s fight. I’ve done the rounds, shook the hand of the current heavyweight champion, Killer González, for the required photo op. I even let him think he had me with his tough-as-nails act and stone-crushing grip. I smiled, nodded and told him, “Enjoy your last night as champ. Tomorrow, your title is mine.”

“You son of a—” He didn’t care much for my conversational skills.

He actually tried to lure me into fighting him right here. I simply smiled, patted his arm as his guys held him back, and told him, “Save your energy for the octagon. You’re gonna need it.”

He left shortly after. I guess his team couldn’t calm him down enough to make staying worthwhile.

Biding my time till I can leave, I grab a handful of grapes off the buffet and scan the room for a friendly face who doesn’t want to fight me, sign me, or fuck me. Near the entrance I spot a frowning Cap and two unexpected faces: Donovan and Liliana.

Shoving the last of the grapes in my mouth, I make a beeline for them. “Hey, I wasn’t expecting to see you two until tomorrow.”

Donovan shakes my hand with a half hug. “I decided to surprise Lili with a few extra nights in Vegas.”

“Nice.” I hug Liliana. “It’s great to see some friendly faces amongst these sharks.”

“Hey.” Cap takes offense, giving me the evil eye.

I chuckle. “Cap, you barely tolerate me, much less feign friendliness.”

“Not true. I like you just fine. Might even like you as a son if you’d pull your head out of your ass.”

Whoa.Surprised by his admission—not theasspart but thesonpart—I actually stagger back a step, my hand rubbing the familiar ache in my chest. He had to go and remind me ofher. My Angel. “I’m working on it.”

His brows meet in the middle, eyeing me skeptically. “Really? Leaving her high and dry for two months isn’t what I’d callworking on it.”

“She said we were done.Shedumpedme,” I remind him.

He scoffs and snags a mimosa off a passing tray. “You’d better hurry the fuck up before you’re too late.”

Glowering, I notice the silent conversation shared between the three of them. “What’s going on?”

Liliana shakes her head, studying her feet intently.

Cap shakes his head, lips tightly closed.

Donovan clears his throat, glances between Cap and Liliana before focusing on me. “Don’t wait too long.”
