Page 71 of No Mercy

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My skin prickles as alarm bells go off. “What the fuck does that mean?” I look between them. “Somebody better tell me what’s going on before I start ripping this place to shreds.”

Liliana stares daggers at Donovan. “Don’t,” she whispers through clenched teeth.

Sighing, Donovan squeezes her hand. “He has a right to know.”

“Oh, fuck, not good,” Cap murmurs to my right.

I’m done with this cat and mouse game. “Know what?” I step into Donovan, apparently the weak link, or maybe just a better friend to me. “Donovan.”

“Fuck.” He runs his palm down his face, lingering on his chin, his eyes pleading with Liliana, not wanting to betray her by revealing whatever secret they’re keeping. “He’s going to find out.”

“Afterthe fight,” she says, not even moving her lips. Apparently, lockjaw is a real thing.

Whatshe said and not how she said it hits me. “Wait. You’re not telling me something because of my fight?”

Liliana meets my eyes for the first time since this whole debacle started. “We love you, Gabriel. She lo—” Her hand smacks over her mouth, halting her words. Her eyes go round like saucers.

My anger fizzles, but my worry doesn’t. I touch her arm. “Please, tell me.”

Liliana looks at Cap and back to me. “She made us promise. She wanted to wait until after your fight to tell—”

“Tell me what?” I interrupt. Is something wrong with my Angel?

Her eyes water, and now I’m starting to really freak out.

“You can’t lose this fight because of her. She’ll hate me.” A tear slips down Liliana’s cheek.


Donovan pulls her into his arms, kissing her head. “Shh, no more.” His eyes lock with mine.

“My fight is not worth whatever secret you’re keeping for Frankie,” I implore him. “Please, tell me. Is she okay?”

He nods. “She’s fine. Or she will be. It’s just… Fuck—” He sighs like the weight of the world resides on his shoulders. “I hate to tell you this, man.”

I can tell by their reactions I’m going to hatehearingit.


“Rowdy?” What the fuck does he have to do with anything? Then it dawns on me he’s the only one who didn’t come from Lyndale with the rest of my Black Ops fight team. He and Frankie are the only ones.

A solemn mask transforms Donovan’s face. “He asked her to marry him.”

“Marry him?” I grip my hair while my world crumbles around me. “I thought they were only friends.” My words are more an expression of disbelief than a query to them.

Donovan just shrugs. He has no more words for me. What is there possibly left to say?

My Angel has moved on.

Found a man who could promise her forever.

Give her her happily ever after.

Fuck me.

I stumble out of the hotel ballroom, ignoring their calls, and punch the down arrow for the elevator. It dings, the doors opening nearly instantaneously as if it was waiting to whisk me away on an express ride to hell.

Maybe it is, but not before I make a crucial stop.
