Page 67 of The Wrong Girl

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My heart rate rose and my tongue ran across my lower lip, anticipating.

This time, when he kissed me, it was gentle, delicate. Every move was slow and deliberate, from the feather-soft stroke of his fingers over my cheek to the way his tongue parted my lips with the lightest pressure.

I drew in a shuddering breath and melted beneath him as he pressed me into the pillows. I felt light-headed, the way it feels when you take too many deep breaths too rapidly, like I had pulled in slightly too much oxygen. His fingers continued to trace light patterns across my cheek, over my hair, across my ear, always delicate. Like I was something precious. It sent shivers down my spine, an aching desire for more clenching my belly.

His lips slid away, and he pressed his cheek to mine, his breath warm on my ear. “Come,” he said simply, then stood, gripping my hands and pulling me upright.

My pulse absolutely raced as we walked slowly down the hallway, past the kid’s rooms, to the master at the very back of the house. I trailed behind him, one hand hooked gently in his warm fingers. When we reached his room, his bedside lamps were already on, set low enough to maintain the mood.

We passed through the doorway and he closed the door behind us, quietly turning the lock on the doorknob with a low click that made my heart pump even faster. He hadn’t gotten out of the kitchen in my place, and now we were in the bedroom. This felt different.

Jake crossed to the low dresser and flicked the switch on a butane lighter, touching it to the wicks of a few jarred candles before setting it back down again. He carried one to each of the nightstands, leaving the others on the dresser, before returning to where I stood, waiting.

I was still in my work clothes, a demure, high-necked dress with a blazer. I’d left my boots by the door, so my bare feet sunk into the plush carpet. Jake had on a fitted sweater and jeans, and I’d worked all night to avoid ogling him openly in front of his kids and parents.

But now I was free to enjoy the view, although some instinct told me to follow his lead instead of taking charge. He had the sleeves pushed up to his elbows, his muscular forearms accentuated by the play of light against the deep shadows.

He stood before me for a moment, drinking me in, then he reached out and hooked a finger into the front of my blazer, popping the button out of its hole. A sigh escaped my lips, and with impressively gentle hands, he pushed the garment off my shoulders, allowing it to fall freely to the floor.

Now he moved in, running the backs of his fingers up my arms, his body close enough that I could feel the heat of him. His breath stirred the hairs on my forehead, and I continued listening to that strange inner voice telling me not to make a move yet. My limbs practically shook with anticipation. The last time we’d been tearing each other’s clothes off, but he stopped me because he wanted our first time to be more romantic. He had the candles, but I wasn’t really sure what all encompassed his ideas about romance.

I certainly didn’t want to scare him off again.

His hands reached my shoulders, trailing up my neck before they cupped my face and pulled me in for a kiss. A slow, languid kiss where his mouth was patient and soft on mine.

When my hands rose and settled on his waist, he pulled back and spun me around gently so my back was to him. I realized the sound of ocean waves I was hearing wasn’t coming from either of the kids’ rooms, but from a sound machine resting on his dresser.

“You’re so beautiful, Ellie,” he whispered with reverence. Gently, Jake gathered my hair and pushed it over my shoulder, then tugged the zipper on the back of my dress down until it reached the bottom of my hips. Cool air washed over my back, causing a ripple of goosebumps to rise on my skin. His warm hands soon followed, spreading across my shoulders and pressing the dress forward, so it too fell to my feet.

Every simple, deliberate touch heightened my awareness, elevating each tiny sensation that zinged across my body. His warm breath on my skin became an inferno. The gentle stroke of his fingertips left a trail of goosebumps in their wake, my body shivering at the intimacy of the touch.

Jake’s hot lips pressed kisses to the back of my neck, traveling down my shoulder as his hands gripped my waist, fingers splayed across my stomach. My breath came in rapid little pants, and I wasn’t sure what to do with my hands. He was behind me. There was nothing easy for me to touch.

When his fingers rose to stroke my breasts delicately over my bra, I celebrated the small win that I’d actually worn something sexy today. The matched set of dark blue lace was a little on the risque side for my normal everyday wear, but it always made me feel sexy.

“Your skin is like silk, Ellie. I love touching you.”

Of course, the feeling was now heightened by ten, with Jake kissing at my neck and pinching my peaked nipples through the thin fabric. One hand trailed down my quivering belly, lightly tracing over the lace band and stroking at the damp spot between my thighs. My belly clenched, and another sigh escaped my lips. The tension in my body was like a taut wire, and I didn’t know how much of this slow, deliberate teasing I could bear.

Without waiting for further guidance, I turned in the circle of his arms and dragged his head down to meet my desperate lips. He responded better to my eager kisses, and his hands slid down my back, landing on the curve of my ass and giving it a firm squeeze.

A groan rumbled in his throat. Clearly, his patience was wearing thin as well. I tugged at the sweater, then finding his shirt tucked into his jeans, I tugged that out until my fingers found bare, silky flesh over rock hard muscle. His stomach flexed, and my hands searched further until I found his nipples and returned the favor he’d given me a moment ago. His breath hissed as it passed his lips.

Then I decided this barrier needed to be gone, and I tugged until he took the hint and removed it completely.

Now when I pressed against him, there was nothing but a scrap of fabric between our feverish skin. I could feel the rapid beat of his heart, the sweet, woodsy scent of his cologne filling my senses, the sounds of the ocean our background music.

With a swift move, he bent down and swept my legs out from underneath me. He carried me to the bed and deposited me gently on the dark comforter like I weighed nothing at all.

My heart rate picked up, and I started squirming in anticipation, trying to pull him down on top of me.

Jake wasn’t having it. With one hand, he reached behind me, unhooking my bra and pulling it lightly down my arms. His dark eyes drank me in, resting on my taut nipples with his lower lip pulled between his teeth. Finally, he leaned down to kiss me, then immediately began working his way down my chest. With his eyes firmly locked on mine, he pulled first one nipple, then the other, into his mouth. I gasped at the sensation, first the heat, then the wetness, then the gentle graze of his teeth.

“Jake,” his name poured out of me like a plea, and my fingers threaded into his hair, gripping it desperately. I felt the gentle stroke of his fingers between my legs again, and I could scarcely keep myself from shoving his face down there in search of release.

But as it turned out, he didn’t need my help.

Jake dragged his nose across the flesh of my belly, pressing my legs wide with his hands and planting a light kiss to the spot I wanted so desperately for him to touch. He inhaled deeply.
