Page 30 of Be My Compass

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I laugh.

He takes a seat in the couch. “Hey.”

“You’re back.” I sip the brew.

“I’m hoping Mom hasn’t found out yet.”

“You know she has.”

He makes a face.

Heath is almost a decade older than me, and we rarely saw each other growing up. He left as soon as the craziness with the TV show began.

“Construction job?” I eye his boots.

“It’s a huge account. Could change the future for me and Glory.”

I pinch my lips together. Nod.

Glory is our dad’s child from an affair. The news hit in the middle of filming for our seventh season. Mom didn’t scream or cry or fight. At least not in front of us.

She got a lawyer and quietly paid Glory’s mother off. The matter was never mentioned again. It was almost like Glory didn’t exist.

A few years later, Glory’s mother passed. The show was over and Heath suggested we take our sister in.

Our parents refused. It would mess up our ratings. The reality show was in talks to be picked up by Netflix. We’d be making bank for a long time. To dad, it wasn’t worth the harm to our net-worth or the punch to our family brand.

Heath adopted Glory and fumbled through learning how to be a dad. As her devoted uncle, I opened a bank account for her college fund, but Heath doesn’t allow me to do much more than that.

My hard-headed brother is too damn proud. Heath found the reality show absolutely disgusting and refuses to take a single penny from it. He only tolerates my cash because we’re close, but I know he’d prefer if I quit dealing with the Jameson affairs altogether and started working elsewhere.

Lucky for him, I’m not doing that any time soon.

Glory can’t live on principles and pride. Heath might say he doesn’t need my help, but I know it could go a long way. Especially with Glory’s illness. She’s been in and out of the hospital since she was a baby.

“How is my little princess?” I ask.

“Growing up way too fast.” Heath shakes his head. “Last week, she asked me when I was getting married.”

“When are you getting married?” I smirk.

My brother chuckles. “Not before you, bro.”

“Changing the subject?”

“You have the perfect girl already.” Heath grins.

As if summoned, my phone lights up.

Heath arches a thick eyebrow that her?

“None of your business.”

“Don’t ignore Kae on my account.” He drops into the chair across from my desk and kicks up his boots.

As I watch him, it strikes me again that he’s the ‘real’ heir to the Jameson fortune. If he hadn’t rebelled, if he didn’t have such strict standards, he would be sitting where I am.

I should hate him. The Jameson blood running through his veins should scare me, should make me scramble to protect what my parents grudgingly gave.
