Page 112 of Revolt

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Everyone knows what is at stake here, but I want to make it very, very fucking clear.

“Before we begin, know this is not the first attack. I’m sure you are aware, but this will not happen again. I want increased police presence around the house until he’s caught.”

“Of course, sir—”

“I wasn’t finished.”

The officer snaps his mouth shut, even as the sergeant looks at me incredulously for daring to order them around. If only they knew how high my friends went.

“Reign Harrow is your number one case right now, is that understood? If you allow this man to get close to her again, you will understand why our files are sealed, and yes, we know you searched after last time.” I see the sergeant pale and know I’m right. “Good, so what do you have?”

“We ran DNA, but there weren’t any matches. We have flagged it in the system in hopes it will match any new entries. There was some CCTV footage about a block away where we caught a man, six foot, well-built, in a dark hoodie running from the scene the night of. We are still trying to track his next moves. As for this evening, we will send the heart for analysis. I believe, like the others, it will be pig or cow. We are monitoring all credible threats to her security, and while we wait for new evidence, we will increase police officers like you suggested.”

We continue to discuss our next moves. It will be easier if they are helping us. Either way, we will stop this man, and I won’t risk Reign’s safety over a pissing match.

When the police leave, I peer at Reign. “It’s been a long night, my love,” I mumble as she stares at the wall. “Let’s get you to bed.”

“I can’t sleep,” she whispers, so I lift her, taking her to my room. The others pile on the bed, surrounding her.

“Try for us,” Astro begs. “Close your eyes. You’re safe. Nothing will touch you here.”

“You’ll be here the entire time?” she asks.

“I promise.” I never want to leave her again, not even to go to the bathroom, and my worry and promise to her wins. “Now sleep.” She curls up between us as I meet Dal’s eyes over her head.

I see death in his gaze.

There will be no holding him back now.

* * *


Tonight, we are going hunting.

This man doesn’t get to torment her for another day, and despite the police’s assurances, I don’t plan to let him live long enough to be arrested.

I meet Raff’s eyes. My girl is between us, scared and unable to rest, and it stops now.

“Take Cillian,” he mumbles. “Be back before she wakes up.”

I can see how much it kills him not to come with us, but she’s more important. Plus, we all know I’m the best hunter. He’s ours, and when I’m through, he’ll be begging me to carve out his heart and box it for her.

“I’m coming back, princess,” I promise. “Sleep tight.”

Kissing her head, I linger there for a moment before ripping myself away and striding from the room, Cillian on my heels.

The shipping store is easy to find, and we don’t bother waiting for them to open. Instead, we let ourselves in through the back door, scaring the half-asleep clerk. He screams and scrambles for the phone, but I kick it out of his hand and smack him into the chair. “Stay and you won’t get hurt.”

“Please, I have no money.”

“We don’t want your money,” Cillian replies, ever the kind one. “There was a package shipped to Reign Harrow.”

“Oh god. I told the cops everything I know—”

“Tell us,” I snap, my arms crossed.

He looks at me and balks. “It was a very late drop off, paid cash. We have no cameras. They are broken—”

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