Page 118 of Revolt

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The doors open, and Cillian storms out.

Is he right? Have we lost her?

* * *

“Come on, Havier,” I beg. “You know us. You have to let us through.”

“I’m so sorry. I can’t. Orders.” Havier winces. “I really am sorry.”

“Orders from whom?” Raff asks. “They don’t control her house—”

“From Miss Harrow herself. In fact, she told me to, uh . . .” He blushes. “To let you know your stuff will be outside within the hour and to never come here or contact her again. Her words.”

“Please,” I implore, barely able to speak around the lump in my throat, my chest aching so much I can’t breathe. “Just one minute, that’s all I need—”

“I can’t afford to lose this job. I have a baby and another on the way. I’m really sorry.”

“Was she okay?” Dal asks quietly.

She took a taxi, which we know because we came back in her car, and Raff reluctantly hands the keys over to the unsure guard.

“She was . . . She seemed angry,” he admits.

Dal nods. “Anger is good.”

“How is anger good?” I round on him. I don’t even realize I’m rubbing my chest until his eyes drop to it. Turning away, I kick the post. “Reign! Reign!” I scream, ignoring the cameras. I hear the gossip, but I don’t fucking care.

I can’t lose her.

“Reign, please!” I scream. “I know you can hear us! Just give me one minute!”

“Come on, man, this isn’t the way.” Raff wraps his arm around my chest and tugs me back when it’s clear she isn’t coming down. “Don’t make a scene that will hurt her more. We’ll find a way to see her, but not like this. I promise, Astro, I’ll fix this.”

Shrugging off his arm, I glare at him. “You can’t fix everything, Raff.” I turn and walk away, knowing if I stay, I’ll break down. I’d camp right there and scream her name until she came for me, but he’s right. That would hurt her more.

I’ve hurt her enough.



Pressing my back against the front door, I cover my mouth to muffle my sobs. I held it together all the way home despite feeling the burn in my eyes. I don’t even remember arriving, but as soon as the front door closed behind me, I slid to the floor and cried.

How could they?

Raff Jr. whines at their voices, his cold nose digging into my skin as he covers me protectively, understanding I’m upset and wanting to make it better.

My head drops back, hitting the door. I want to scream, but I know they will just come in after me, so instead I choke on my pain, hunching as I hear them fighting to get to me. It hurts so fucking much, and it hurts even more that all I want is for them to hold me and kiss it better.

Can you die from heartbreak? It sure as fuck feels like I can.

The organ clenches and refuses to beat, spreading agony through my chest to my entire body, as if the pain of their betrayal is carried through my veins.

“We’ll be back.” The promise is almost whispered.


Even his voice sends a fresh wave of agony through me as tears fall in uncomfortable streams down my face, my lip trembling as I try to hold it in.

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