Page 56 of Revolt

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So heartless?

I’m a fool.

“Baby, breathe.” A hand rubs my back. “Shh, breathe, we’re here. You’re safe. They are gone. She’s gone. Let it all out.”

“Fuck!” I kick the seat, burying my face in my hands. “I thought I was fine. Shit, I should have known she would pull a stunt like that. I’m a fucking idiot.” I laugh bitterly, straightening and wiping my eyes. I thought I cried it all out, but I guess not. “I’m fine, I’m fine,” I mutter, trying to fake it until I make it.

I can feel their eyes on me as I slide my shades on and wrap my arms around my stomach, breathing slowly to center myself as I stare out of the window.

“Who is she?” Raff asks. “We’ll make sure she never gets near you again.”

I laugh bitterly once more. “She won’t like that. Her name is Sal Warner. She was my best friend, my sister, until I found her fucking my fiancé in our apartment, and then she sold the story on it . . . or tried.”


“Sal Warner, model and actor, born in 1986. Her true name is Kennedy Wise, but she changed it when she entered the modeling world. Her father is some big CEO who buys her way out of shit, with her mother being a socialite. She’s as upper class and stuck up as they come, yet she’s in debt for two houses she can’t afford, or should I say, shewasuntil a few months ago when she came into a large amount of cash. When I traced the payments, I could see they were from some local reporters and exclusive stories she sold on Tucker and Reign. It seems their sexual relationship ended that same time, and Tucker hasn’t been spotted with her since.” I glance up from my iPad to see Raff looking annoyed, Cillian impressed, and Dal . . . well, Dal.

“You learned all that in the space it took for me to check on Reign and make coffee?” Raff asks.

“Bitch, please,” I scoff. “I learned all that and made myself a snack.”

Cillian laughs and holds out his hand. I give him the iPad as he scrolls through the background check, bank records, and cell phone tap I made. “Impressive. She’s a cunt. I can’t believe she betrayed Reign that way. No wonder Reign disappeared. She couldn’t even trust her fiancé and her best friend.”


“So, we are killing her, yes?” Dal says slowly.

“What? No!” Raff snaps, leaning up before lowering his voice. Reign disappeared somewhere as soon as we got back, and she clearly needs her space, so we let her have it. “We can’t go around killing everyone who insults or hurts her.”

“Why?” Dall frowns, blinking in confusion.

“For starters, it’s illegal.”

“When has that ever stopped us?” I grin, making him glare at me.

“She also doesn’t need us to fight her battles for her. She’s a grown woman with her own strength and power. Do you think she would want us to wage her wars? No, she would be pissed as hell.”

“Or flattered and suck our cocks,” I comment helpfully.

Pinching his nose, Raff looks at the ceiling as if praying for strength. “Let me make this clear—nobody is to kill Sal Warner.”

“Well, that’s boring,” comes a drawl, and we all turn to see Regin there. “Especially since I just realized I might be moving past this shit but I’m still mad. Turns out, the old rebel part of me still exists, and she wants revenge.”

“Miss Harrow?” Raffiel frowns in confusion as I high-five Dal and lean over.

“Okay, you get the cameras, and I’ll get the weapons. I’m thinking we’ll make it look like an overdose—”

Reign laughs and kisses my cheek as she sits. “I never got any revenge, not against anyone. I’m all about penance these days. I might be trying to turn over a new leaf and do better, but it’s clear Sal isn’t. She won’t stop until she gets the dirt she wants for another story. I know her. I know what she’s like. She drove me out of my own home, my own bed, and my own fucking marriage, so yeah, I want revenge. Maybe not death”—she spares Dal and me a look—“but it’s very sweet. Still, there has to be something we can do to get a little even.”

“We are here for your protection, Miss Harrow, not to get involved in your battles,” Raffiel says, his voice soft.

It’s my turn to frown at him. “That’s us protecting her.”

“I’m not saying we are going to stop you or that we won’t be there to protect you.” He smirks as Reign laughs. “Just that we can’t officially get involved.”

“So, ideas . . .” I rub my hands together as I look around. “I say we shave her head and tattoo spunking dicks all over it.”

“How about we put burning poop on her door?” Cillian suggests.
