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Milady laughs. “I won’t argue with that, but…” She leans in, and a blush spreads over her cheeks. “I make a poor husband in the sheets. If you know what I mean.”

“You mean sex?”

She nods. “You never told me what happened with you and Duane during your heat.”

Fine. I’ll spill. I’m tired of deflecting these conversations. Even Lenox asked me about Duane and my heat. I sit with the dress on my lap, and heave a giant sigh as if I’d worked for ten spans and now I can barely remain upright from exhaustion. I yawn for good measure.

“Oh, stop that. Tell me.”

I glance across the table and steal a berry from her plate. I suck it into my mouth, making sexy, moaning noises.

Milady squeals. “When he gets back from the trip, will you go out with him?”

I wag my finger. “He’s too arrogant. Too commanding. Too…all the things.”

“Yeah, that’s the point. He’s an alpha male. They do things during sex that other males don’t.”

“I’m sure I won’t like whatever an alpha male does, so during my heat, I asked Duane to leave.”

Milady’s eyes widen, and she gasps. “You did not!”

“Did too.”

“Oh no, Marybell. If I had known you suffered pain, I would’ve arranged for another male. Or a healer. Or something.”

Which is why I didn’t tell her. I don’t want her to worry about me, or worse, have to take care of me. That’s my job. “Duane fetched herbs for the pain. I was high for half the cycle, so don’t feel bad.”

She giggles. “You’ll have to share some of those herbs with me sometime.” She rubs her belly. “After I deliver.” Milady bites her lip.

I cover her hand with mine and note that she’s cold. “All will be well. I promise. We will get through the labor just fine.” I worry too, but I would never say that.

An elven female recently died after two spans of labor and birthing three lycan babies. According to the rumors, she’s not the only one. While some Kilseleian females such as milady can breed with lycan males, birthing their babies might prove an impossible feat. Impossible for some, but not for milady, Gloriana, the last Kilseleian princess. She will be well.

“Would you like to go inside?” I squeeze her cold hand.

She shakes her head. “If I stand, I’m afraid I might throw up.”

And here I thought the sickness was over. “I’ll fetch a bucket and a blanket.”

As I rise, I spot wolves, mainly white furred, coming out of the forest and forming a line where the forest meets the meadow. From our end of the den, we see many gray and some black-furred wolves crossing the meadow and forming a line. How strange these lycan creatures are.

“What are they doing now?” I ask milady.

She frowns. “Maybe a drill of some sort.”

“Why do they always think they’re at war with someone?”

“I’ll ask Lenox.”

“Ask me what?”

I screech and turn, flinging a shoe at her mate. Thank the king for his fast reflexes, because the heel doesn’t jab his eye. He snatches it midair and examines the shoe before placing it on the table. He levels me with a look I haven’t seen from this male before.

Instantly, I know something is wrong. He and I don’t speak of anything that’s wrong or could possibly go wrong in front of the princess. Lenox and I are a team, and we work together in her corner.

I curtsey. “You scared me.”

“Nice aim.”
