Page 28 of His to Possess

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While I embraced the necessity, I held back on forming any distinct opinions. There were too many questions that needed answers. My training negated such methodology.

I would follow through with my promise, returning to the pack, but not until after tonight. My only method of limited protection was covering her with my scent. By all rights, as my mate, I should take her to our city, and keep her locked away in my cabin. I half laughed at the thought. If I knew anything about Kathleen, she would attempt to kill me for even trying.

And she wasn’t ready to learn the truth about the man who’d already fucked her.

I was playing a risky game, but I had to buy some time in order to put additional pieces together.

I sat back in my seat, mulling the options. Given the rather brutal fight I’d had with the rogue wolf, if the creature was diseased, the near taste of her would fester in his mind and his loins, embroiling his increasing hunger. He would make an attempt on her life sooner versus later.

My grip on the glass of bourbon was so tight that I heard the thick crystal cracking, fissures forming on every inch of the surface. Exhaling, I released the firm hold, curtailing my rage and scanning the room for anyone who might be of concern.

The book my father had provided had proven to be interesting, although the stories were more like fables told to children in order to prevent their misbehavior. I remembered only some of the pages, pretending as a child I’d listened to the teaching. While I’d had little opportunity to do anything but scan over the chapters, the detailing of how our kind came to be was fascinating reading. Humans called what we had lycanthropy, a mythological disease that had an almost cult-like following.

If the stories penned in the ancient script were correct, the disease was similar in nature to the stories told, although deadlier and certainly contagious. From what I’d learned, the disease had gone dormant, but was always predicted to return in order to replenish the Wolfen population, possibly attacking the human population as well. Christ. I shook my head. The only reason I gave the bullshit any credence were the factual stories of rogue wolves, but even then, there were bad wolves just like humans. I was beginning to wonder what the hell to believe any longer.

What I could buy is that darkness had enshrouded the earth thousands of years before, and the violence encompassing every aspect of human life had nearly destroyed civilization. The accounts in history books corroborated the Wolfen stories.

A brutal and fast sweeping disease had taken hold, pitting man against beast. Although other animal species had been protected, wolves hadn’t been immune to the terrible malady, the disease altering their DNA structure. I fiddled with my drink, laughing at the various representations, all told through the eyes of a priest who’d lived long enough to tell the entire story.

But a single word had been used since that time and always would be. Predator.

The holy man had also predicted a curse after the first Wolfen had been murdered, almost to extinction by a faction of human hunters, their bodies laid to rest in true honor, as well as secrecy.

If their bodies were ever disturbed, bones touched by human hands, their wrath would be unleashed, seeking revenge.

I didn’t believe in curses, although the priest’s story was at least a fascinating read. However, the fear about some unknown disease rearing its ugly head again was certainly plausible. We’d come into existence in some wretched manner after all. There was even a remote possibility that other animal species could be affected this time, altering their DNA much like the wolves. I tapped my fingers on the table, swirling the tip of my index finger back and forth. What there hadn’t been was any mention of this infamous burial ground that I’d been able to find. I would search again later.

I’d read the book more as an officer of the law than a Wolfen, realizing the stories could be just that. If not, then what were the chances there were at least duplicate pages, allowing for some elaborate ruse in order to obtain some edge? The possibilities were endless.

As well as outlandish.

I was still a special agent, which meant I had a job to perform.

The bar was quaint, but not the one I’d met her in the night before. The location was her choice, far enough removed from where either one of us lived that she believed herself to be safe from my clutches. I swirled the glass in front of me several times while I stared out the window. She had no idea what she was in store for. I dragged my tongue across my canines, feeling the sharp points already exposed. Additional control was needed. I shifted in the seat, my nerves on edge and my cock aching as it had for a solid twenty-four hours.

I’d had little time to investigate the prophecies and in my opinion ramblings of one of our ancestors within the book, but my father remained rattled, even calling an emergency council meeting for the moment I returned. I would look at this rationally.

The possibility of wolves abandoning their humanity, killing humans for no other reason than sport sounded like the Nightwalkers. I knew many wolves in both packs would enjoy living like animals once again, if only for a little while.

If the murders had been performed by a rogue wolf with potential followers, as there always were with alpha dogs, there was the remote possibility others would go into a killing frenzy of their own. That sounded more like the Nightwalkers’ behavior than Wolfen, but then again, I didn’t know my own pack very well any longer. Whatever the case, the evidence could bring a lockdown to our city. There would be questions asked, press breathing down our necks. I couldn’t afford to allow that to happen.

If Kathleen was the key, I would find out why.

But at this point I had to assume the alpha role, curtailing any disobedient behavior. I’d gather those around me who were not only aware but believed in my leadership abilities. Then we would begin hunting within our own community.

I could smell her already, the fragrance one that I would never forget. I was immediately excited, desire forcing my hands to shake.

Get fucking control.

I snarled, rubbing my hands across my mouth.

The very second she walked into the bar, the light over the entrance highlighting her gorgeous features, I was thrown into another carnal moment. The beast that had been called to the surface only hours before was ready to strike again. Had I made a mistake turning earlier in order to fight the wolf? In order to save her life? No. I’d broken the rules and I would do it again.

She had no idea how close she’d come to becoming the wolf’s latest victim. If I hadn’t intervened, the creature’s feast would have been considered a true victory. If she was my true mate and was taken, my leadership would possibly be challenged by the Nightwalkers, as well as every other pack. Fuck the rules. My father had mated with a human and remained leader and so would I.

The decision was agonizing but one that had to be made.

It was time I accepted my rule, taking over the reins since my father was ready to relinquish control. The rumble in my gut told me I was doing the right thing.

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