Page 29 of His to Possess

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I took a sip of my drink, enjoying the view for a few more seconds as she absently brushed her hand through her hair. God damn, I was overwhelmed with her magnificent sensuality. I hadn’t anticipated anything but business attire, but her gorgeous red dress caught every red-blooded male’s attention. I could hear what they were saying, buddy to buddy, their longing to fuck her, stripping her of her will. Over my dead body. The light coat she was wearing certainly couldn’t hide her voluptuous curves or the way the silky material hugged all of them in a provocative manner.

She was a feisty minx in wolf’s clothing. A temptress. I allowed a dark chuckle at the thought.

With my better than twenty-twenty eyesight, I could see the nervous tic on the corner of her mouth. I could also hear her rapid heartbeat, the blood pulsing through her veins.

She was nervous.

She was also excited.

Another moment of dousing the fire with gasoline. As she walked closer, a slight growl pushed up from my throat, the sound entirely that of an animal. Fighting my urges to take her here would be difficult.

Kathleen stopped a few feet from the table, giving me a onceover. Her expression was pensive, even pissed. She must have learned we would be working together. “Agent Cordero.” The tone of her address was husky, sensuous, and very much on purpose. She was actually trying to unnerve me. I had to give her additional points of respect.

“I think given our less than formal initial meeting, we can certainly go by first names. Don’t you, Kathleen?” I moved to pull out her chair, refusing to back down until she eased onto the seat.

“Fine, Max. Or would you prefer Maximillian?”

“Max is fine. What would you like to drink?”

She leaned over the table, studying my glass, lifting it into her hand. If she’d noticed the cracked exterior, she didn’t comment before gulping the remainder. “My, my, Jefferson’s Presidential Select. You are a man of expensive tastes.” She wiped her mouth with her arm before placing the glass on the table.

“A refined woman who knows her Kentucky whiskeys. I’m impressed.” I lifted my hand and two fingers toward the bartender, ordering two.

I could see the hint of surprise in her eyes before she laughed and eased her coat from her shoulders. Leaning forward, she folded her hands and stared straight into my eyes. “Let’s get this straight, Max. I realize that we shared an… experience, but now that we’re working together, that’s never going to happen again. Ever. Do you understand me? Do I need to explain it any clearer?”

The woman had no idea the kind of reaction her angry words created deep within. Every vile and nasty thing that had entered my mind would happen.Period.

I would chain her.

I would whip her.

I would train her.

I would use her.

In the end, she would enjoy every moment of surrendering to me and the passion that we’d already shared.

I leaned forward until I knew that she would be able to hear every word I said in little more than a commanding whisper. There was no sense for anyone else to know our business and given the circumstances, I had to force our connection, cognizant of exactly how she would react. “Now allow me to make myself clear, Kathleen. You belong to me.”

“Please, go right ahead. Indulge me with the reason for your ridiculous statement.”

“You have been mine for months and while you couldn’t understand the dreams you experienced night after night, the dark and filthy fantasies that kept you awake and in need, now you do. The moment we touched, the very passionate kisses we shared were a clear indication of your intense longing.”

Kathleen laughed although the sound was filtered with nervousness. “You are so damn arrogant.”

“I have every reason to be given I’m going to give you exactly what you need at all times. Domination. Discipline. Pain. Pleasure. Agony. Ecstasy. I know the woman inside better than you know yourself. You can only impede the woman lurking inside, the beast clawing at the surface. And I assure you, I will catch you when you break free.”

I knew the words stung as well as fueled her fire. I eased back once more, waiting for her nasty reply.

She pursed her lips, amusement in her eyes and she simply waited until the drinks arrived before uttering a single word. “Is that why we’re working together, Special Agent? So you can control me or is this more about the actual case?”

“I assure you that my desire is exactly what you’re sensing. Tell me I’m wrong, Kathleen.”

Her wry smile indicated that she refused to acknowledge what she was feeling even though her pulse had increased, her heart racing even more than when she’d arrived. “We had an attraction, Max, nothing more. You are merely a colleague now.”

“Then why are your nipples pressing hard against your dress and why is the fragrance of your exotic perfume laced with a subtle yet powerful hint of your feminine wiles?”

Her reaction was swift, her open hand managing to come within a few centimeters of my face before I snagged her wrist. I bristled, resisting dragging her over my lap for a reminder of who was dominant. “Do not attempt that again, Kathleen, or you will be punished.”
