Page 47 of His to Possess

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After all, we were carnivores.

We continued racing at full speed, barely cognizant of where our trek was taking us, so consumed by finding the source of the blood flow. Minutes later, we achieved our goal. The deer carcass was fresh, the animal eviscerated violently. I growled at Gregor, forcing him to retreat several feet. This was my hunt, my find.

As I moved closer, I took several deep whiffs. The ravaging effects hadn’t been caused by a wayward hunter or another human venturing into the woods. The kill had been exacted by another wolf. I moved in a full circle around what was left of the deer, swinging my head in both directions even as I salivated from the remains.

Tonight, I refused to partake, no matter how great the hunger pangs.

As I lifted my head, Gregor approached, allowing a deep-throated growl to shift into the darkness. A warning. We’d always been able to connect, capable of reading each other’s minds. His was full of questions and more concerns than I’d originally noted before. For all his bravado, he knew that what we were facing was dangerous for several reasons.

The trail of blood leading even deeper into the forest indicated the deer had been brought to the location for the feeding. And from where we stood, the Nightwalkers’ village was a mere three miles away. That was too close for comfort.

As my nostrils flared, I took another deep whiff, able to catch a distinct but nearly unrecognizable scent. Not just a wolf. Not just partially human. There was a metallic stench that created a wave of nausea. What the fuck were we dealing with?

Gregor obviously captured the vile odor as well, raking his paw across his muzzle. He moved in absolute silence several feet away and in the direction of the Nightwalkers’ village, turning his head only once.

While I wasn’t prepared for a battle, the knowledge we would gain was necessary. After snorting, we took off again, following the droplets of blood to an actual den that had been created by a family of deer. We were both disgusted by the findings, the horrific scene that would never leave my mind. How could any Wolfen or other shifter for that matter act in such a heinous manner?

I stopped long enough to touch one of the fallen does, trying to gather a moment of ‘sight.’ There was nothing, not a trace. While Gregor watched me silently, I could tell he was curious, although he refrained from asking any questions.

My stomach churned as we both forced ourselves to pass by, continuing on our path. The moment we reached the outskirts of the other wolf village, we sat back on our haunches.

The scent had ended, as if there’d never been a wolf crossing through the forest. I inched closer, gathering several whiffs of the closest homes on the outlying perimeter. There was no indication of any of the Nightwalkers having turned, shifting in order to hunt or kill. We were facing yet another dead end. I could read the rage surfacing in my companion as he advanced, communicating words that had no need of being spoken, our connection that strong.

“What the hell is going on?”Gregor asked in silence, a snarl curling his lip.

“I have no fucking idea.”

He inched several feet ahead of me, sniffing the ground.“The fucker responsible couldn’t have disappeared.”

“He’s playing a vicious game,”I hissed.

“Then we will find him and when we do…”

I swung my head in his direction, nodding in affirmation, remembering my father’s words. It was our requirement to handle the situation the Wolfen way.

And a part of me couldn’t wait to tear him limb from limb.

“We have to be careful,”I added, turning purposely away from the Nightwalkers’ village. The last thing we needed was one of their sentries finding us close to their people. The tenuous hold we had on perceived peace could be crumbled with the slightest infraction.

“For once, I do agree with you. What now?”

“We do things my way.”I inhaled once again and another scent filtered into my nose, one that was more horrifying than anything from before.


The bastard knew we’d hunt and was well aware of how the pack would react first.

She was the rogue wolf’s prize and the fucker was using her to get to me.

My mate.

My woman.

For the ultimate control.

And she could lose her life in the process.

I would tear the city apart in order to protect her.

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