Page 74 of Embers in the Snow

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I put the key in the lock, and turn.

Then I move, faster than he can possibly comprehend. I slam the door shut and dart across the room, grabbing the metal-and-glass lantern from its hook, shutting off the gas.

Shrouding us in perfect darkness.

All the better to unsettle him with.

Besides, I’m not in the mood to deal with explaining my changed appearance right now.

“Wh-who’s there?” Solisar hisses. He’s in bed, covered in rough grey blankets. He sits up and looks around wildly, blinking in confusion.

He can’t see a thing.

But I can see perfectly well in the darkness.

“Show yourself, bastard. How dare you ignore my requests? I demand that you take me to the archduke at once. Do you even understand what kind of punishment you’re risking by doing this to me? You’re breakingimperial law.”

How in the Seven Furies’ names isthisman the father of Finley Solisar?

He’s nothing like her… and yet, I can see certain resemblances; in the shape of his brow, the curve of his nose, the line of his jaw

The physical similarities are there, but in all other respects, she’snothinglike this man at all.

I lean against the wall. “Well, it seems you’re in luck, Lucar Solisar.”

“BaronSolisar.” He sits up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. “Ignorant fucking knave,” he mutters under his breath, unaware that I can hear him perfectly well.

I chuckle. “Why shouldIhave to addressyouby title?”

“What are you—” He peers through the darkness, pale blue eyes narrowing. “You.I recognize your voice. You were the one that ordered me detained. Whoareyou?”

“Lucar, you aren’t into a position to demand anything. The sooner you realize that, the better things will go for you.”

His tone changes, becoming less demanding, more desperate. “Th-there must be a misunderstanding. If you would just allow me to speak with Archduke Duthriss, I’m sure this miscommunication can be overlooked.”

Irritation flickers. “What makes you so certain the archduke will look upon you favorably?”

“We’re of the peerage. Of course he will accommodate me.” Solisar leans forward in the darkness, his eyes glittering with ambition. “You’re making a grave mistake. Can’t you understand that my very owndaughteris betrothed to His Highness? By personal agreement between me and the emperor himself. It was not too long ago that I was in the capital, finalizing the details of the arrangement with His Imperial Majesty. This detainment isridiculous.”

My irritation turns to cold anger. “Both you and my father presume alot.”

Solisar’s expression turns blank. “Yourfather?” Almost comically, he blinks several times. “Youare him? The son? Impossible.”

The depth of my anger surprises me. In my mind’s eye, I see the blood on Finley’s lips where he hit her. Something inside me cracks open, giving way to a dark chasm. “You sent your daughter here,” I say quietly. “In the middle of winter, through lycan country, where bandits are known to frequent. The escorting party was inexperienced and unprepared. That’s why they’re dead now. It’s a miracle your daughter managed to survive. For that alone, Lucar, I should flay you alive. And then you have the gall to turn up at my gates unannounced, and youdemandan audience with me?”

“My sons were missing,” the baron hisses. “Do you know what it feels like, knowing your heirs could be wounded or dead because of some foolhardy decision? They cameafterher. That’s how Finley manipulates them. She’s had them wrapped around her little finger for far too long.”

I peel off the wall and walk toward him. “If you have even a breath of sense in your body, you will refrain from speaking ill of my betrothed.”

The baron stands, his eyes wide in shock and disbelief. “Y-you can’t seriously—”

“You will treat her with the respect and courtesy she deserves, not only because she is to be my wife, but because she’s your daughter. You will not lay your hand upon hereveragain, because if you do, I’ll fucking kill you.”

He shakes his head slowly. “Don’t toy with me. There’s no way you can be him. Corvan Duthriss is a master strategist. An intelligent man. He wouldnotbe so easily manipulated.”

Denial can besucha powerful thing.

He thinks Finley could manipulate me?
