Page 75 of Embers in the Snow

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How could that gentle, exquisite creature manipulate anyone?

Everything I saw from her wasreal.

Kaithar might be good at reading people, but so am I.

My hand shoots out. I wrap my fingers around his pale, greasy neck and lift him up until his feet are dangling above the floor. Solisar writhes and struggles, his hands closing around my wrist, desperately clawing at me.

It’s no use.

He coughs and splutters as I start to choke him to death.

I feel his life flickering beneath my fingers. It would be so easy to end him, but I’ve made her a promise.

Please, don’t kill him.

How clever she is, to read the situation so well. To understand what I’m capable of.

To know not to fear me.

I let go.

Solisar collapses, wheezing and choking, clutching at his neck.

I squat down beside him. “I’ve killed better men than you for lesser reasons. I could end you now and bury you in the woods and none would be the wiser. Do you really think I’m worried about the consequences? I’m not afraid of my father, Lucar. You’ve served your purpose. You sent your daughter to me. That’s what he wanted. He isn’t going to give a shit about what happens to you now.”

“You…” His voice comes out a cracked whisper. “Are you insane? I have the emperor’s favor.”

He tries to rise to his feet.

I push him back down. He lands flat on his arse. “Sit down, Lucar Solisar. And listen very carefully, because I’m not going to repeat myself. I’m going to ask you some questions. You will answer me honestly and truthfully. Every time you lie or refuse to answer, you’re going to feel excruciating pain.”

“What are you—”

“First question. Why are you so disdainful toward your only daughter?”

“Wh-what are you talking about?”

“You know what I’m talking about.”

“I-I’m only doing what any responsible father would do. Teaching her the boundaries of her station. Making sure she’s married off to a suitable husband. She’s headstrong. I blame myself. I shouldn’t have left her alone for long periods when the children were young.”

“Lucar, my patience is wearingverythin. I’m well aware that Dorava Solisar is not Finley’s birth mother. So.Why?”

“I… I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He shuffles backwards, attempting to rise to his feet once again.

I shake my head. It’s always the nobility that are so slow to understand their predicament. The minor lords are the worst of all.

My hand shoots out. He doesn’t even react, because he can’t see me in the darkness. I grab his right wrist and immobilize his hand. I bend his pinky finger backward, snapping it.

“Aaargh!” He cries out in pain, his voice turning falsetto. “You fuckinglunatic.”

“That’s your sword hand, isn’t it? You have ten fingers, Lucar. I can do this nine more times. Then we’ll move on to your limbs.” My voice is flat; emotionless. I don’t relish torture, but I’m no stranger to it.

Lucar Solisar is breathing heavily. A sheen of sweat covers his face. I release his hand. He yanks it backward, as if recoiling from a viper bite.

He reeks of fear and the stench of captivity.

He won’t last long.
