Page 18 of Promised

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I assessed him as we circled, watching for him to make a move. He was a fighter in the ring, but I trained my whole life to stay alive. To kill instead of being killed. So when he struck, I was ready.

I wrapped my arm around his elbow as he swung out. I applied pressure and twisted until he went down on a knee. But he wasn’t stupid. He grabbed me around the thigh with his free arm, shoving me to the ground on my back.

Instead of shielding my face from his fist, I let it come. Let the physical pain work through me. Let it dull the ache inside. Once, twice, he smashed my head into the mat.

My vision darkened around the edges, and I welcomed it. But I wasn’t one to lose a fight. He choked as I shoved my palm into his throat. It gave me just enough of an advantage. I wrapped my legs around his waist and rolled us both.

My fists flew. I punched him over and over again. I felt the crack of his nose. The splitting of my knuckles. Blood covered my hands; I didn’t know if it was his or mine.

He threw his arms up to stop my blows, but I kept going. Hitting his kidney, his other side, his arm, his head. Anything and everything I could reach. I was lost in the haze of the fight. Demolishing an old demon instead of the man in front of me.

My arms felt heavy with exhaustion, but I didn’t stop. I couldn’t. I needed to get it all out. To kill this feeling.

Suddenly, a hand dropped on my shoulder. I jerked, arms raised, ready to kill the next one. But at the last second, I stopped when I recognized the face. Matteo’s eyes were hard and questioningly as I dropped my hand limply to my sides.

“Damn.” Andre spit blood onto the ground as Ethan helped him up. “And I thought he was rough.”

He chuckled as he cradled his side, leaning on Ethan for support. I couldn’t manage even a fake laugh. There was no humor or lightness inside me. Only pitch black.

Matteo didn’t find it funny, either. He glared at me as they walked away. I could see the questions in his eyes. But I was saved from having to explain myself when my phone rang.

Almost in a trance, I moved to the bench and picked it up. “Yeah?”

“Adam,Graziea Dio!” Thank God.I could barely hear over the music in the background. But I caught enough of a voice to recognize it was Zara. “I need your help.”

My body immediately snapped tight. Adrenaline replaced any exhaustion I’d felt. I’d known Zara most of my life. I rarely heard her sound so panicked.

But that’s not why I was going to do whatever she asked. It wasn’t out of any affection for her. I was here to do a job. To watch the family. I knew from experience going through the daughters would piss Gio off. Maybe enough to get him to make a mistake.

* * *

My lip curled as I walked into the trashy club. Whatever illusion they had tried to create was gone. There was no music or writhing bodies. No dreams coming true as the night ended.

Harsh, bright lights filled the space, letting everyone know it was past last call and time to go home. But there were still a few stragglers. Women looking for lost handbags and friends. Men hoping to convince one of them to go home.

“Just one more.” My gaze flicked to the bar when I heard her voice.

I hated that I reacted. Still sought her out from just the sound. I hated more that it wasn’t the only thing I was reacting to.

My dick hardened as I looked at her. Her curves were squeezed into a short silver dress. The back was exposed, showing off all her smooth olive skin.

The dress rode up the back of her thighs as she leaned over the bar, making her petite frame look longer. It reminded me of how she’d barely been able to wrap those legs around my waist. Her hair was loose and sticking to her damp skin as she flashed the bartender a smile.

Even from across the room, I could tell it was fake. Her lips were too tight as she reached for one of the bottles.

“Ari, you’ve had enough.” Zara grabbed her waist, trying to pull her back. “It’s time to leave.”

Her honey eyes filled with tears as she looked at her sister. “No. I don’t want to go back there.”

She collapsed onto a stool. I could tell instantly why Zara had called me. She was drunk, barely able to hold herself up. I fucking hated that even blitzed out of her mind; she still looked gorgeous.

Her skin was flushed, making me think of the other times I’d licked that blush from her cheeks. Her lips were pink and plump. And I wasn’t the only one looking. Slime slid through my stomach as I noticed a few guys watching her.

“I can’t see him.” She whimpered as she rested her head on the bar. “Adam.” I felt her voice in my chest as she whispered my name. “Adam hates me.”

My gut churned at the desperation on her face. But I shoved the emotions away like I’d been doing since she tossed me aside. In a few quick steps, I was standing beside them.

“Adam.” Zara sighed in relief as she tried to pull Ariella back up again. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called, but she kept saying your name. And I can’t get her out of here.”

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