Page 60 of Promised

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“You have female customers?” The question popped out of my mouth in surprise. I never thought of a strip club being a place where women hung out.

“A ton.” She smiled brightly. “For girls’ night out or with men. We also offer pole dancing classes. But no, I don’t recognize her.”

Her lips pressed together as she stared at the image again. A furrow appeared between her brows the longer she looked at it.

“What is it?” Maddox asked, pressing his thumb to the wrinkle between her eyes. She rested her head against his briefly before looking at us again.

“Tessa wouldn’t hire her.” She handed me back the phone. “You can tell she’s… well, let’s just say she looks like the kind of girl who would stab you in the back and then make it your fault.”

“Sounds about right.” I agreed as I shoved it back into my pocket.

“Kincaid has a way of knowing who people are.” It seemed eerie to hear Maddox compliment someone. I half expected locus to appear or for the streets to flood.

“Thanks for the help.” Matteo stood, buttoning his jacket as he addressed them. “If you wouldn’t mind letting us know if you see her.”

“Dead or alive?” There was no emotion behind Maddox’s eyes as he asked. Kincaid just sighed like he said this kind of thing all the time. And knowing him, he did.

“I’d prefer to kill her myself.”



“That was a waste of time,” I grunted as Matteo pushed open the door to Entice. Disappointment made me restless as night surrounded us.

“No.” He sighed as we headed down the sidewalk. “Now they’re looking. We’ll find her.”

“Maybe,” I grumbled. “She can’t hide forever. She’ll want all her nice things.”

Matteo chuckled. It wasn’t like Britney could do anything to Ariella anymore. She’d already betrayed her in the worst way possible. Now, it was just about revenge. Letting everyone know, including her father, that Ariella was mine. No one could touch her.

Everything was black beyond the club’s lights as we approached the car. But the hairs on my arms stood up. Matteo’s steps slowed next to me like he felt it, too. There was someone just behind the ring of light. We exchanged a look as we continued forward.

Both our hands rested on our low backs. The metal of my gun felt warm in my palm. I really hoped someone was waiting for us. I needed the fight. Something to sate me until I could find my actual target.

A low growl rumbled in my chest as Gio stepped into the light. Matteo threw an arm over my chest as I jerked forward. This was the first I’d seen him since I’d gone after Ariella. He was lucky I didn’t put a bullet between his eyes.

“What are you doing here?” Matteo asked as he dropped his hold on me.

I ground my teeth together as I followed his unspoken order. I wasn’t supposed to kill him. Not yet.

“I tried to come in so we could talk.” He completely ignored me as he turned to Matteo. He stood with his back straight. Not even glancing in my direction, like I was beneath him. “But it seems I’m not as welcome as you.”

“My brother-in-law does own the place.” Matteo pushed past him. “Ambushing me while I’m out is not the way to get my attention.”

“I wasn’t,” Gio grunted. “I was only hoping we could speak privately.”

“You can talk in front of Adam,” I smirked as I leaned against the car. Loving the way Gio’s mustache twitched in annoyance. “I thought I made it clear your business is his business.”

He worked his jaw back and forth, still refusing to look in my direction. If he acknowledged me, he’d have to show me the respect Matteo did. “It’s about my daughter.”

“What about my woman?” I kept my voice casual even as my fists curled. The need to punch his smug face barreled through me.

“She isn’t—.” He shot a glare in my direction before looking away again. He exhaled harshly as he stared at Matteo. “I want her back. There are rules. Respect. He can’t take my daughter without permission.”

“The way I heard it, she doesn’t want to be your daughter anymore.” I pushed off the car, coming to stand right in front of him so he couldn’t pretend I wasn’t there. I had some height on him, and I used it to intimidate. To stare down my nose like he always seemed to do. “I think that ended when she walked out the door.”

“It never ends.” He shouted as he finally turned to face me.
