Page 62 of Jade

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“It just means, you are with me, and no other man is allowed to approach you.” He pauses, faces palms, and runs his hand through his hair in frustration. I maintain my defiance stance “The House is for sharing business secrets, Raheem and I started it with a friend. It’s great for business but soon enough the men started trading sex and stealing each other’s partners, to the point it caused a bad rift. The gold bracelet was invented as a back-off. If a woman or partner is wearing a gold bracelet no other member can poach or solicit sex with said woman or partner. They could try after the evening.” Now I’m seething.

“Let me get this straight, you took me to a gathering where men can solicit to pay me for sex. In other words, I was your arm candy with the potential to be pimped out.” My tone is calm, but my high-voltage brewing anger is about to explode. There’s no calm to this storm.

“That’s just crazy, Jade, you know I would never do that,” he says in a brush-off tone.

“Do I?” I retort in a condescending tone “After all you gave me these gold bracelets so they won’t approach me tonight, but they can try later what’s your cut if I spend a night fucking any of these men. How wide do I need to spread my legs to allow them in, how many thrusts inside me do they get, is there an extra charge for blowing them or rolling my pussy on their face, maybe I should text back and sayyesto the offers and ask about the extras. Is there an additional charge for you watching me orgasm or is it free?”

He’s now seething, good, I’m upset too.

He moves closer to pull me, I step away from his grip, knocking into the vase on the side table. It makes a loud crash to the floor causing Rilwan to come in without knocking. Naseer tries again to pull me closer to him, but I’m seething that he would take me to a place where women are objectified. He barely takes me out, but he sees it fit to take me to this place. I lash out and start hitting his chest.

“Stay away from me! I never want to speak to you again!” I continue as Rilwan pulls me off him holding me tight. “Don’t fucking touch me, ever in your life! We are done!” I’m shouting at Naseer as I try to wiggle myself out of Rilwan’s stronghold. As I struggle, Rilwan’s hand brushes my breast, he doesn’t move but maintains his tight hold of me. I don’t care about how tight Rilwan has me, all I want is to hurt Naseer for presenting me like an object to be passed around.

My body is tugged into a firm hold in Rilwan’s hands and body. I may not be able to move my body, but I can certainly speak.

“I’m not yours to pass around, it makes sense now, why that Jay guy wouldn’t stop when I told him not to touch me. The asshole felt entitled to do whatever he wanted since stupid me walked in there smiling at everyone! I’ve had enough of your bullshit, we are so done!” I continue to struggle and lash at Naseer as Rilwan maintains his stronghold. “I belong to me, and I decide who I choose to be with! Get that into your thick royal head. Jadesola decides! Prince Naseer doesn’t have a say!” I’m panting after my tirade. Rilwan’s hold is subduing the fight in me.

“You will take your hands off my woman, right now!” Naseer roars. His chest rises with rage at Rilwan instead of me. Rilwan’s hand falls off in a snap, I trip from the sudden release but manage to catch my balance. Naseer’s face is that of an angry monster, he has released the evil twin on Rilwan.

“Don’t you ever put your hand on my woman again!” He angrily growled at Rilwan with darkened eyes ready to attack Rilwan’s hand for touching me.

“I’m sorry, she was attacking you and I must protect you,” Rilwan responds stating the obvious

“You will not touch Jade ever, even if she has a knife to my throat!” Rilwan’s eyes are equal parts of shock and bewilderment, though he nods in agreement.

“Do I make myself clear? You do not put your hands on Jade, ever!” his voice blaring with dark raging eyes.

“Yes, Your Highness,” Rilwan responds quietly, his face hardens but he maintains calm. They both maintain a silent standoff before Naseer turns to me.

“Jade, in the room now!” I want to sayNobut Naseer and Rilwan heated standoff made me quiet. Annoyingly, I moved past him, slamming the door. I’ve put Rilwan in an uncomfortable situation. I don’t like this. It was supposed to be a beautiful night, but it’s now a nightmare.

I hastily grab my suit, as I hear him shout. “Get the maid to come and clean this broken vase.”

I hurriedly take off the dress. Left with just my underwear, I throw my things into the suitcase. Not exactly sure where I’ll go if I leave here. I feel a need to be ready to leave. I hear the bedroom door slam.

“Sit the fuck down, Jade, you’re not leaving because we are going to talk about this. As difficult as it may be, we are going to talk,” he says in an exasperated gruff tone.

“I’m leaving you, Naseer, you say you love me. Yet to take me to a place where am seen as an object to be passed around. I thought we had something special, but I was wrong. It was all in my head. We are over! My aunty tried to warn me, and I didn’t listen. I’m clearly out of my element.” I continue to put my things in the suitcase.

“Jade, sit down!” he shouts, more of a roar. I take a seat on the edge of the bed. He’s pacing. I know he’s trying to control his anger. After a few minutes, he stops pacing.

“I didn’t like the idea of taking you there tonight. I haven’t attended meetings since we became a couple. I had to go tonight because Raheem is sick. I could have left you in Chicago, but I didn’t want to do that either because I want to spend time with you before you leave for Lagos, and we may not see each other for months. I wanted to be with you so I thought putting the gold bracelet on you would stop them from approaching. I would never in a million years let another man spend a night with you. You know it and I know it. It was poor judgement on my part to think the gold bracelet would work. That’s all I’m guilty of can you forgive my selfish need to spend more time with you and not realize some men have no boundaries.”

“I could have waited for you here in this apartment. I didn’t need to be at that gathering. We rarely go out and tonight we did. I was happy only to find out it’s a place like that. How do you expect me to feel?” My phone beeps again “This May lady keeps texting me. What do you want me to say to her?”

“Just delete the text messages. I’ll take care of her. Let me make it right.”

“Fine, but I’m leaving tonight.”

“No, Jade you are not leaving me, not tonight, not ever. I know you are upset right now the reality is all we have is tonight for months to come so stop fighting me on this. Once we return to Chicago tomorrow. I leave for Rhanaz, and you will be in Lagos by the end of the week.”

“I don’t like this feeling of being displayed as someone to be pimped out, Naseer,” I state. Maintaining eye contact so he can see. I’m hurt.

“I’m sorry Jade that was not my intention. forgive me, my lady,” he says the latter in a contrite tone. I look at him. I wish I had the heart to keep fighting but I don’t. I love him too damn much.

“Fine, Naseer I need to apologize to Rilwan. He was just trying to protect you from my attacks which were warranted by the way.” He chuckles.

“Do not apologize to him, he had no reason to put his hands on you.”
