Page 84 of Jade

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“She’s sleeping off the drugs, you can call her later.” She nods. I leave without a backward glance to the loud sobs of Lolade. Subconsciously, Jade knew Lolade couldn’t handle the fact she had sexual relations with Bosun, neither one of us thought Lolade would take things that far.

She almost destroyed us had Rilwan not exercised more caution.

I return to our apartment, and Jade is still sleeping, I want to ask what pills he gave her to knock her out this much, but I remain quiet and watch a movie with him.


WhenIwakeup,the room is strange and dark. I’m still in the clothes from yesterday. I feel the bed, there’s no one next to me. I can’t see anything. I reach to my right and feel a lamp and switch the light on. My eyes look around my surroundings and it’s still strange.

I get to a sitting position and my feet feel the carpet. Where are my shoes? I looked for my phone and it’s nowhere in the room. I then remember giving it to Rilwan and not taking it back because I was in tears. Reality seeps in. Naseer breaking up with me. I need my phone to call Maureen.

I need to leave this place. Before, I go and beg Naseer again. Getting out of bed, I go to the bathroom and wash the smudged makeup off my face, finger comb my hair, then use mouthwash to rinse the foul taste in my mouth out.

I return to the room and head for the door. In the living room, I find Naseer and Rilwan watching a movie. I’ve never seen them like this before. No point making things any more awkward than they already are.

I turned to Rilwan. Ignoring Naseer. “Thank you for your help, Rilwan, can I please have my phone?”

“Yes, Ms Bankole. I charged it for you.”

“Thank you, I’ll get my things and be on my way,” I state. Not to either one. I head to the adjoining door and head straight to Naseer’s bedroom. Grabbed a pair of leggings and a t-shirt, I changed and brushed my teeth. My mouth still feels sour. I pull out my carry-on suitcase and realize that I have too much stuff in this apartment they wouldn’t all fit in my carry-on suitcase. I just need to grab important stuff that I can’t leave behind.

I heard the door close and Naseer’s heavy footsteps. I felt his intense gaze on me, but I couldn’t look at him. My hands were shaking as I searched for items I couldn’t leave behind while fighting back tears that are threatening to fall. The silence in the room was oppressive with weighted tension. I could feel his gaze burning holes in my back as I moved around tossing items into the suitcase and desperately trying not to trip over myself under his intense gaze. I managed to close the suitcase and called for an Uber before I rushed to the bathroom double checking that I hadn’t forgotten anything. Dragging the suitcase that felt lighter than my heavy heart, I wanted to turn and beg him to please forgive me, but I reminded myself that we are over; he had asked me to leave, and I must respect it as much as it shatters my heart. I let out a heavy sigh.This is it, the reality I knew was going to come is now here.

I reached for the doorknob; it wouldn’t budge. After a few minutes of fumbling with it in vain. I know he’s standing behind me, my body tenses with the aura in the room. He locked this door on purpose. I decided to face him, the sooner I face him,

the sooner I can leave with my shattered heart.

I turn to him, avoiding his eyes “Please open the door, my Uber ride will be here soon.”

“I’m sorry Jade,” he says, his hand in his jeans pocket, A glance at his face shows no anger. Just contrition.

“We were good while we lasted. Please open the door. I don’t have the strength to argue with you. I understand you feel betrayed, and I don’t have any explanation for what happened, so please open the door.”

“I’m sorry Jade,” he says again.

“Apology accepted, please open the door, Prince Naseer.” There, that’s our formal wall. He looks at me in a way that expresses how irritated he gets whenever we are on opposite ends with each other. I keep my eyes trained on the floor.

“I can’t let you leave Jade; I would be miserable and I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.”

“Like I said, it’s okay, we both knew a day like this would come, I should get going, my ride is three minutes out, Prince Naseer please open the door.” I plead, I can feel my tears pooling and I’m making a herculean effort not to break down in front of him. I can’t even call Tito or Lolade. I need Maureen’s craziness to make me feel better.

“I’m sorry Jade that I shouted at you and said I never want to see you again. I’m sorry for everything I said. Please stay and let’s talk.” He moves closer, and I step back till I hit the door. I don’t want any physical contact between us.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Prince Naseer. I think I should leave.” My phone pings again. “My ride is outside, I beg you, please open the door and let me leave.”

“I can’t let you leave right now.” He grabs the phone out of my hand. I want to fight him for it, but I remain standing like a deer in headlights.

“I’ve canceled your ride, let’s talk.” He tugs my phone in his jeans pocket.

“You have no right to do that, and I don’t think we have anything to talk about. Give me back my phone.”

“Jade, please” he pleads.

“Fine” I move from the door, past him, making sure we didn’t touch and take a seat on the chaise “Talk!” He’s not going to let me leave until he has said his peace I might as well let him.

“I’m sorry, Jade.”

“You already said that, and I’ve accepted your apology so can we get to the part where I can peacefully leave?”
