Page 14 of Dangerous Fortune

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A smile tugs at the corners of my lips as I realize, once again, just how much she truly cares. “Thanks, Nadia,” I murmur, my voice thick with gratitude. “I promise I’ll be careful.”

“Good. And remember,’ she adds, her tone turning serious, “if things get too dangerous, you must walk away. No winning hand is worth risking your life for.”

I swallow hard, knowing the truth in her words. But even as I accept the need for caution, I can’t extinguish the memory of Enzo protecting me. Standing, I move to the window and gaze at the familiar streets of Boston’s North End. The sun casts a warm golden light on the neighborhood, and I wonder what it would be like to have someone like Enzo in my corner.



I stare at a navy blue row house on a leafy street in the North End of Boston and wonder what growing up so close to your neighbors would be like. The houses are packed together tightly, making me think there would be little they wouldn’t know.

A definite deal breaker for people in my world. We require eight-foot walls and plenty of land separating us from our enemies. Not to mention a cadre of loyal soldiers and people who know that looking the other way is not a choice.

Something Abby Mercer knows nothing about.

I step out of my car, take a cursory look around, and see nothing out of place.Maybe I’m just being over cautious.Or nosy. My cousin Gianna suggested it was the latter when I asked her to run down the address of my favorite card shark. And as usual, she is correct.

The blond bombshell with a dry wit has been on my mind for a week, and until I see her face and know all is well, I’m not gonna be able to let it go.

The dark brick façade of the home absorbs the afternoon sunlight as I move toward the door. Why is she living here and not in a high-rise with a view of the water?

If she wins like she did the other night, funding almost any kind of lifestyle is more than doable.

Not that there’s anything wrong with living in one of the city’s most iconic neighborhoods. It just doesn’t fit the glamorous woman who strides through his casino like a tigress hunting her prey.

Ignoring the voice telling me that checking on her is weird, I knock firmly on the door. The curtain moves in the window that flanks the entrance, and I look around for a camera near the door. Nothing. Not only does Abby live in a family neighborhood, but she thinks it’s the nineties and home security doesn’t exist.

The door swings open, and I can’t stop a smile from forming. “My question is answered.”

“The one about me being a cyborg or something else?”

“You’re alive.”

“Clearly.” She leans against the door frame. “What are you doing here, Enzo?”

“Wellness check. You’ve been MIA for a week.” I take in the well-worn jeans hugging her delicious curves, a college sweatshirt announcing she attended one of the city’s best universities, and a face free of makeup.

How can she be so damn irresistible? And why does she make me feel so greedy? Every encounter makes me want more. Not only do I want to spoil and protect her, but I want us to see every corner of the world together.

“I didn’t know casino managers were tasked with taking roll?”

Her generous mouth pushes together, and I add owning every inch of her body to my list. “Vargas made some interesting comments the last time you were at Encore, so I want to make sure you know it’s safe to return.”

“A speech like that makes me think you’ve missed my sparkling company.” She sways from side to side. “I think you like me, Enzo.”

If she only knew how much.

I clear my throat and remember my responsibilities. “This is a business call. I’ve got a handful of important players busting my chops since you’ve gone MIA. They’re missing their favorite card shark and can’t wait for you to return.”

“Really?” She taps her lips. “Why didn’t you send someone else to relay the message? Because running errands seem below your pay grade.”

“I do whatever it takes to keep Encore’s clientele happy.”

“And above ground.”

“That too.” I rest my hand above her head and look down. “I thought you were much taller.”

