Page 41 of The Siren's Call

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Kai’s arm goes around my waist, and he pulls my body against his.

“Are you ready to leave Valentina?”

“Yes, I’m exhausted.”

“You’ll be able to rest when you are home, don’t forget to shower though.”

“I’m covered in blood Kai, no shit Sherlock.”

“Less of that feisty little mouth of yours or I’ll have to think of better uses for it. Maybe I’ll have to keep you permanently gagged to keep that sharp tongue of yours confined.”

“I’d like to see you try Kai; I’ll guarantee you’ll be missing some fingers if you do.”

“See there’s my feisty little kotehok, so delicious in her anger.”

“Fuck off Kai.”

Kai, Pasha and Luka start laughing at me, just as Misha comes back into the main room, minus the blood over his hands.

“Come on guys let’s get Valentina back home. I’m scared for our balls if we don’t.”

They all laugh at Kai’s comment, and I can’t help smiling a little. I’m getting quite the name for myself lately where men’s balls are concerned. Misha and Pasha scope outside the club to make sure it’s safe to leave and they usher us out and into Misha’s Range Rover SV. Kai and I are in the back and Luka gets into the passenger seat, Misha gets into the driver’s seat, and we take off at breakneck speed. Pasha follows in another car with several men that must have been waiting.

After being in Lev’s Bentley Flying Spur, I didn’t expect the luxury feel inside the Range Rover but it’s no less extravagant in its features. I have yet to see the car Kai drives himself, but knowing him it will match his persona to a T.

Kai is typing away on his mobile, I look out at the city and its people passing me by. Women are clambering about on sky-scraper heels traversing the cobbled pathways, some have given up altogether and are carrying them in their hands. Men are eyeing the ladies up or laughing with their pals, no treacherous heels for them. All they have to do is stay up straight.

I’ve always felt envious of men, they shower, stick on their best clothes and style their hair. Spray on some aftershave or cologne and there you have it, they are ready to go out. Ladies have a long list of tasks throughout the day to get ready for a night out. Shower and shave every body part you can think of. Dry and either curl or straighten their hair, then next make-up. The last task is what they are wearing; this task normally involves stripping out the entirety of their wardrobes to find they have nothing suitable at all. The other option is to spend two hours trying every item of clothing on, to end up choosing the first dress you tried on.

In no time at all we make it back to the hotel. Luka and Misha exit first. Misha opens Kai’s door, letting him exit and Luka opens my door and helps me out of my side. Kai joins me and puts his hand at the base of my spine, ushering me in the hotel with Misha in front of us and Luka behind us. Pasha and the other men stay with the cars.

We all enter the private lift and ascend to the penthouse; I walk off down the corridor to Kai’s room. I enter the bedroom and start untying my green wraparound dress as I simultaneously kick off my heels. As I’m wearing nothing underneath the dress I head straight for the bathroom.

Walking to the shower I turn it on, testing the heat of the shower with my hand; finding it lovely and warm. I stand under the shower lowering my head, so the cascading stream of water pelts my hair over my face and down my back. I place my hands on the tiles in front of me, staying there in total bliss, finally feeling my body relax and my mind calm for a moment.

I sense Kai entering the shower. His scent encompasses me, lulling my body to react and my treacherous pussy to pulsate. My nails are trying to grip the smooth tiles but can’t find any traction, my body wants him like its next breath. My mind knows we shouldn’t though. Wanting the devil will only bring me more heartbreak.

Kai’s hands slowly encompass my waist, then caress my stomach as he leans his huge frame over me. He kisses my neck and the sensitive part just behind my ear, then whispers in my ear.

“Calm yourself my Little Vixen, just let me take care of you. Then we will settle you in bed.”


“Give me this Valentina, please.”

I don’t answer, I really don’t know what to say. Hearing Kai say please is a shock that I’m completely unprepared for. I try to calm my breathing and relax my body.

Kai moves over to the glass shelves which just housed all of his things, such as shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. Now though, it houses an array of women’s items too. I notice a shampoo and conditioner that looks similar to mine but far more expensive. Hopefully, it will do a much better job of containing my naturally curly locks. The most shocking thing is the scent though. How did Kai know I love Chamomile?

He picks up the shampoo, squeezes a liberal amount into his palm and walks back over to me. Kai starts to massage it into my hair, massaging my scalp at the same time. I’m too late to stop the moan that comes out. Well, I say moan it’s more like a mixture of a cat in heat and a porn stars award winning orgasm.

“That’s it my little kotehok, let me hear you purr for me.”

“I’ll do more than purr for you if you keep doing that to me Kai. Fuck.”

“Um, interesting. My Little Vixen likes me to pet her. Noted.”

“Fuck off Kai, now shut up and continue.”
