Page 14 of Curse of the Shadow

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Standing, Anson puffed out his chest, and I was momentarily concerned by his lack of fear in front of the Headmaster. I’d never seen him so defiant and I wasn’t sure how to feel about this act of rebellion.

“I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but Candi texted me when Violet came to get Farrah. I have to protect her and if something is going on, I want to know what that is,” Anson said, this time his tone was softer without so much authority in it.

“Anson, I appreciate you caring, but I can handle myself,” I whisper yelled at him.

“Can we just continue this meeting already? If Farrah’s boyfriend is insisting on being here, I guess it won’t hurt him to hear this,” Violet added in.

After a few seconds which felt more like years, Headmaster Patricia sat back down and motioned for Anson to sit on the couch behind her desk. I just wanted to get this over with.

“Headmaster Patricia, can you please finish what you were talking about earlier?” I asked, hoping she would just start over. I narrowed my eyes at Anson. I would deal with him later. While it was sweet that he cared so much to want to be down here, so much so that he broke rules to do it, it also sort of bothered me that he was being so macho. I am a strong woman and have proven that I can take care of myself.

“Yes, I will continue but I will deal with Anson later,” she began, turning and glowering his way. I saw Anson cast his eyes down and I smiled internally. “So, as I was saying, Professor Alken, Violet, Jax, and Luke have strong ties to the Supernatural police and their skills can help us now that others in the dark magic realm are aware of your presence. You have obviously met Professor Alken and Violet, but Jax is a Reaper and he is the one with the large frame and dark hair while Luke is a Watcher. ” She finished, her lips pursed.

My heart began to beat rapidly, my legs shaking under me. “Wait, what does all of that mean? Why are they concerned about my presence?” I asked, my voice trembling.

“Can we just tell her?” Violet cut in, clearly annoyed by how long this was taking.

“Someone please explain all of this!” Anson shouted from the background.

Raising from her chair once again, Headmaster Patricia rounded her desk and paced the room. It was very unlike her to be this uneasy and that didn’t sit right with me. She looked back at Anson and then her gaze filtered outside, as though she were lost in a world outside of our own.

She began retelling the information that I had learned before Anson barged into the room. As she talked, Anson stared back at me and I couldn’t quite read the expression on his face.




Clearing her throat, Headmaster Patricia continued, and I shook my head, as though I were ridding my brain of cobwebs that had fogged my hearing. “When Farrah rescued the lost students and fought off the Dark Magic Witch, news broke all over the Supernatural Community. Unfortunately, those in the evil realm now want to find Farrah.”

“Why do they want me?” I cried out.

Shaking her head, Violet huffed as though I exasperated her. This girl was really getting on my nerves. I had evil beings after me and she acted like this was an inconvenience for her!

“It has been decades since someone has been blessed with both Seer and Fae powers. Especially, someone from a strong line of Witches like the Halliwell’s. They want to use your powers or worse, take them from you,” Headmaster Patricia finished with a shudder.

I was sure news like this didn’t bode well for the academy, but she genuinely seemed concerned over me and that melted my icy heart for a moment.

“How can they take her magic?” Anson asked, his fangs now protruding and a growl escaping.

“By killing her, of course,” Violet interjected, picking at her pink nail polish on her perfectly manicured hands.

“Let’s try to show compassion,” Headmaster Patricia snapped at Violet, though Violet didn’t seem to care.

This was all too much. I had just arrived back at the academy in a blissful state and now all of that was ruined.

Jumping out of his chair, Anson stalked across the room to me. Holding my hand, I felt the power of his wolf shifting. “I refuse to accept this. We aren’t going to just sit back like last time and watch evil come into this academy.”

I squeezed his hand, hoping he would calm down a little, but he only seemed to grow more agitated by the second.

“We are working with the Supernatural Police. They should be here any second and from there, we will find out who is doing this and stop them. Until then, the academy will remain on lock down and we will keep Farrah safe,” the Headmaster swore.

As terrified as I was, I believed her. Though, I also knew that I held strong magic inside of me that could also protect me. I just needed to tap into the buzzing energy flowing through me. When I first arrived at Shadow Legacy Academy, I was nothing more than a scared little girl who was unsure of her future. Now, I am an emerging powerful Seer and Fae. I just need to remind myself and the rest of the world of that, too.

Chapter 11

ThedoortotheHeadmaster’s office opened, and two people stood staring at us.
