Page 31 of Long Live the King

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“What do you want?”

He looks down at her, a smile on his lips at her directness. “Your name.”

A confused look crosses her face. “My name? Why?”

He shrugs. “I figure I should know your name before I fuck you.”

Sixtine is head tilted back, mid-sip from her bottle when he speaks. His words cause her to choke on the water in her throat as she coughs, struggling for breath. “Sorry, ignore me.”

Thayer’s gaze thunders through him, her arms coming to cross over her chest. “That’snevergoing to happen, Mackley.”

“Yes, we’ve already been through this. You tell me it’s never going to happen, I tell you I’ll make you regret those words, and we both know you’re wrong.”

“The amount of delusion it takes for you to believe those words is almost impressive.”

“You say delusion, I say dedication. The result is the same.” He says with a casual lift of his shoulder.

“I don’t find you attractive.”

He tuts at her, disbelieving. “Please.”

“I’m not interested.” She tries.

He takes an easygoing step towards her, his hands in his pockets. Dipping his head so he’s level with her, he taunts. “Liar.”

“I have a boyfriend.”

Those words have the effect of freezing him on the spot. Gone is the relaxed, carefree jokester. Tension oozes from him as he slowly rights himself up to his full domineering height.

He’s displeased and it’s obvious. He looks like someone just took away his new toy before he could unwrap it and play with it. The muscle in his jaw ticks as he looks down at her. “What’s the harm in telling me your name then?”

He’s got her there and she knows it. Somehow he’s twisted it to make it seem like if she doesn’t tell him her name it’s because she’s interested in sleeping with him.

She chews her bottom lip for a second as she thinks it over. His eyes track the movement. “My name’s Thayer.”

“Thayer.” He repeats, clearly enjoying how the word sounds between his lips, before extending his hand. “I’m Rhys.”

She doesn’t take it. “Mackley’s fine, thanks. We’re not friends.”

“We’ll see.” He finally looks around to the three of us standing behind Thayer. “When Rogue is through with what he undoubtedly has planned for your pal there, you’ll need new friends.” He tips his chin in my direction. “He’s declared it’s open season on you, you know. It’ll get worse now.”

“Phenomenal.” I say dryly.

“Can’t you do something to stop him instead of standing there with that grin on your face?” Thayer asks.

“Negative, love. No one can stop him once he’s got someone in his sights.”

“And you’re enjoying this?” I ask.

“I’m enjoying what it means.” He says mysteriously.

He doesn’t expand, instead looking at me thoughtfully as he leans against the hallway wall.

“For God’s sake, it’s like you want me to get physical with you Mackley.” Thayer says with an eye roll. “What does it mean?”

He comes upright from his position, his hands curling around Thayer’s arms and pulling her to him. The touch is technically platonic, but looks seductive the way Rhys does it. “You know I want nothing more than to get physical with you, love.” He whispers suggestively.

“Hands. Off” Thayer grits out, removing his hands from her body.
