Page 69 of Long Live the King

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She snorts at that. “You can’t actually believe that. I told you from the beginning that this would end in you killing or fucking each other. Luckily for the both of us, it looks like arguing is your guys’ version of foreplay.” She gives me a concerned look before continuing. “Just… be careful alright? Don’t get your feelings involved in whatever it is you’re doing because it won’t end well.”

“I’m not” I say with slight indignation in my voice. “We still despise each other, that hasn’t changed.”

“Well okay then.” She leans in and gives me a hug. “I just want you to remember what Six said. ‘Serious’ isn’t a word that exists in his dictionary.”

“Listen, I don’t know what’s going on, I really don’t. And frankly at this point, I don’t care. We have a truce, even if it’s temporary. I can go back to focusing on school and making sure I graduate as valedictorian. That’s all that matters to me right now.”


When we come back into the kitchen, Rogue isn’t there. The door to my room is open though.

“Ever heard of boundaries?” I ask him as I lean against the doorframe of my bedroom, my arms crossed against my chest. He’s in my room, holding a framed photo of my friend Keira and I that usually lives on my bookshelf.

He looks up at the sound of my voice. “I have.”

“And? Did you just decide you were above them?”

“Basically.” He replies with an amused smile.

The change in his mood gives me whiplash. One minute he’s angry, the next he’s cold and aloof, and sometimes, rarely but sometimes, he’s less guarded and banters with me, something that I would have sworn he was incapable of doing three days ago.

“You’re impossible.” I say, snatching the frame and setting it back down on the shelf.

“Who’s the girl next to you?” His voice is back to its usual detached tone.

“My friend Keira, from back home. I can give you her number if you want to move on to your next bullying victim.”

Why do I say that? I don’t know why I said that.

I ignore the twist in my gut.

“I’m only interested in bullying one person.”

My body’s insane reaction to that statement is to send warmth flooding in my belly. Remembering the conversation I had with Thayer less than five minutes ago, I drown out those feelings with reminders that this is all a game to him.

“What an honor.” I reply sarcastically.

I feel his presence rather than hear his movements as he comes up to stand behind me. I’m leaning over my dresser as I select a few outfits and shove them into an overnight bag. This close, he absolutely dwarfs me, his tall frame towering over me as the top of my head barely meets his chin. He bends over me so his hot breaths tease my neck as his hand snakes between my legs and presses up the length of my inner thigh.

He doesn’t touch my pussy over my jeans but somehow his touch is hotter. It stays at the top of my inner leg, wrapped in a heated grip around my thigh. His breath tickles the spot behind my ear and has goosebumps erupting across my flesh. There’s nothing inherently sexual about his touch, but it’s the most erotic way he’s held me yet. He bites along the shell of my ear as his hand moves up to grab my ass. He gives it a sharp slap that makes me gasp.

“Watch your smart mouth. Next time, I’ll fuck it even with Thayer in the next room.” He grounds out against my ear.


When we get to his house, I’m once again struck by the size of it. Without hundreds of students milling about, the foyer looks even bigger than I remember.

“I forgot your parents don’t live with you in this ginormous McMansion. Doesn’t your dad ever come home?”

The room temp drops by approximately a hundred degrees as the words leave my mouth. His anger whips through me and I’m momentarily frozen by it. Since we struck a truce, his temper has taken… a passenger seat. It’s not quite in the backseat yet, but at least we’ve gotten it out of the driver’s seat of his decision making.

I know his mom left but I didn’t expect his dad to be such a trigger for him. Fear glides through my veins as I see him struggle to control his anger. He throws me a glare that chills my bones.

“Don’t speak for the rest of the night.”


His hand chokes me before I can finish the word. He’s crushing my throat.
