Page 70 of Long Live the King

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“I said,” He growls an inch from my face. “Don’t fucking speak.”


The harsh voice comes from my left. It’s Rhys.

Phoenix is with him. He walks up to Rogue's side. “Let’s go for a walk.”

His hand grips his shoulder in a gesture that’s friendly on the surface, but has a not so subtle warning underneath.

Rogue releases me. His eyes shoot back and forth between mine a couple times before he stalks up the stairs.

I knew this was a spectacularly bad idea. We didn’t even make it past the entrance of his home before it all fell apart.

“Are you alright?” Rhys stands next to me, concern marring his beautiful face. I nod.

“Fuck, did he hurt you?” He asks, his hand tilting my head back slightly to inspect the bruises on my neck that I know are the hickeys Rogue gave me earlier.

“Don’t fucking touch her.” Rogue stands frozen at the bottom of the stairs, his deadly eyes fixed on us.

Rhys drops his hand without a word, watching silently as Phoenix grabs Rogue and physically pushes him out the door. His eyes never leave us before he disappears through the main entrance.

“He didn’t. That’s, uh, something else.” I say, stuttering as I fail to find the words to explain the hickey.

He gives me a small smile before turning serious. “What happened?” He’s asking what provoked him.

I’m not sure I want to tell him. Based on Rogue reaction, it’s not something he wants to talk about. I don’t want to make it worse by repeating it to his friend, even his best friend.

Rhys can sense my hesitation. “It’s alright, you don’t have to tell me. I can guess.” He states in a way that clearly says he knows a lot more about this than I do.

I grab the shoulder bag I’d dropped to the floor. “Listen I really should stop talking now. Can you show me to his room and I’ll get out of your way?”

“His room?” He asks, confused.

I take out my phone and type out a message in the Notes app.

He wants me to sleep here for the duration of our deal.

Rhys laughs raucously. “And you said yes?”

I arch a sardonic brow at him.

You think he took no for an answer?

“Fair enough. Why are you listening to him about the no talking thing? He’s not even here.”

I shrug.A deal’s a deal. Plus I don’t want to piss him off any more than he already is.

He grimaces. “Fair enough. I don’t want to piss him off any more either so it’s best if we’re not together when he comes home.” He grabs my overnight bag and tilts his head towards the stairs. “Come on, I’ll show you upstairs.”

I internally blush as I remember the last time I was in this hallway. This time, Rhys directs me to a bedroom on the left. The decor is impersonal and the space doesn’t feel like it’s lived in.

“Rogue doesn’t let anyone stay in his bedroom so this is one of the guest rooms.”

At least there are constant reminders of my place to help me keep my head screwed on. I smile at him in thanks and he leaves with a goodnight.


Several hours later, I’m lying awake in bed. I’ve tossed and turned endlessly searching for sleep that escapes me. I can’t get my brain to stop swirling with anxious thoughts and shut off for the night.
