Page 102 of Pay for Your Lies

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His hand palms my breast and a throaty groan leaves his lips. He’s rough with me, almost mad with desire as he roams my body, desperately touching every part of me.

“Thayer, are you her–Oh putain, sorry.”

I rip my mouth off of Rhys’ just in time to see Six walk out of the guest house.

He leans his forehead down against mine as labored breaths are ripped from his chest.

“Your friends are the biggest cock blocks I know, Silver.”

“Fuck.” I say, remembering I texted her to come get me. “Put me down.”

“No.” He purrs, but his tone brooks no arguments.

“Put me down, Mackley.” I repeat, more authoritatively this time.

He narrows his eyes at me, heat flaring in them at my words. “Calling me that has the opposite effect of convincing me, love.”

I wiggle down his body and he lets me go, but keeps me trapped between his strong arms extended against the wall behind me.

I duck beneath his arm and jog towards the door, calling over my shoulder. “I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Thayer.” His voice booms after me and stops me in my tracks. “Stop running away from me. There’s no more escaping me now that I’ve had a taste of you.” He says darkly, his words somewhere between a threat and a promise.

I bring my hand up to my swollen lips as I give him a small smile. “I had the first taste.” I say and don’t wait for a response.

I’m outside in a couple steps and running to the car once I spot it. I jump in and lock the door behind me.

“Go before he comes after me.” I tell her. I don’t know why, but I feel like Rhys is the type of man who’d run after my car to try and stop me from leaving.

She laughs giddily, turning her disbelieving stare towards me as she peels out of the driveway. “I can’t believe what I just witnessed.”

“I know.”

“That was so hot.”

I touch my lips again. They’re still buzzing from our frantic kisses, as is the blood in my veins. “You have no idea.”

She shrieks excitedly at that. “I can’t believe you left him like that.”

I look out the window. I didn’t want to leave but he was unhinged for me and we were so uncontrollable together. I had no doubt that if I’d stayed, he’d have fucked me on one of the couches.

It’s not that I’m against losing my virginity on a couch, in fact the thought alone has me horny and excited, but it feels wrong to break up with my boyfriend and hook up with someone else the same day.

I don’t know how I’m going to sleep tonight, but I imagine it’ll be fitful and plagued by visions of us writhing against each other, desperate for a touch, a taste of the other.




She saunters out of the guest library and leaves me with a galloping heartbeat and the most painful hard on I’ve ever had in my life.

Kissing her, finally being able to touch her the way I’d wanted to had felt like taking that first hit of heroin.

My breaths rip out of my chest as I try to calm my racing heart. I lick my lips, searching for any remaining taste of her, desperate to extend the high.

Already, I can feel the addiction slicing through my veins. Can feel the way my body craves its next fix with single minded focus as if she wasn’t in my arms less than five minutes ago.

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