Page 103 of Pay for Your Lies

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The shock when she’d slammed her lips against mine had short circuited the electrical wiring in my brain, momentarily freezing me in place before the animalistic need had kicked in and taken over.

I’d have fucked her then and there if she hadn’t cut it off abruptly. I don’t know if it’s guilt related to Carter that made her stop or something else, but I’m itching to find out.

My fists clench as his name crosses my mind. Whether they’re still officially together or not doesn’t matter anymore. It never fucking did because she was always mine, but now that she’s crossed that line, there’s no going back for her.

No amount of faith or prayer will save him if he lays a finger on her now.

I quell the furious need to run after her, kidnap her, and lock her up in my room away from prying eyes. Instead, I pull out my phone.

Rhys:Practice at eight pm tomorrow.

Rhys:Wear something you don’t mind having shredded.

Thayer:Awfully presumptuous of you. What if I told you what happened between us was a mistake?

My blood boils at her text. She better not be backtracking from tonight.

Rhys:I’d remind you that I promised to punish you for every lie you told me.

Thayer:Hmm. And I wouldn’t like it?

Rhys:You’d hate it.

Thayer:And you? Would you enjoy it?

She’s playing a dangerous game, teasing me like this. I don’t think she knows how close I am to making my previous urges come true.

Rhys:The punishment I have in mind?

Rhys:I’d fucking love it.

There’s no immediate reply. When she still hasn’t answered a few minutes later, I assume she’s simply going to ignore my last texts, but then my phone dings.

Thayer:That kiss was a mistake then.

I’m about to answer when a second text comes through, this time an image. It’s a photo of the bottom half of her face, specifically of her puffy lips swollen from our frantic kissing, her fingers gently grazing the cut on the corner of her bottom lip where I bit her.

It’s an unstaged, simple selfie and it has my cock even harder than before. Satisfaction courses through me at the fact that everyone will see it tomorrow and know she’s been claimed.

Rhys:You asked for it.

Rhys:Remember that.


The next morning, I walk out of my last class before lunch with my bag slung casually over one shoulder.

Students explode into the hallways from all different directions and head for the dining hall. I tower over everyone as I scope out the crowd looking for Thayer’s magnetic silver hair.

I spot her walking against the mass of people, heading for her locker. I stay out of the way hidden in a classroom alcove, the crowd thinning out as I watch her swap a couple books in her backpack for ones in her locker.

She’s wearing a pleated mini skirt, an oversized white jumper and her AF1s. Her skirt rises dangerously high when she bends further into her locker, throttling my blood pressure in the process.

She has tights on but they don’t do anything to cover her. I can see a hint of the swell of her cheek from where I stand.

Anyone could lift a hand and easily cup her soft curves.

That thought spurs me forwards and I quietly prowl towards her until I’m right behind her. I don’t stop, wrapping my fingers around her arm and dragging her beside me towards the adjoining janitorial closet.
