Page 34 of Pay for Your Lies

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“Don’t say things like that. You don’t know him or our relationship.”

“I know enough.”

“You know nothing!”

She goes to jab me again but I grab her arm out of mid air and bend it behind her back, using it to pull her against me.

“I know he let you move across an entire ocean without following you.” I sneer in her face, “I know he can survive without seeing you every day even as he claims to love you. I know he chose to live far from you when he had to know that every man in a fifty foot radius of you would be begging to have you. And I know he didn’t care enough to make it clear to all those men that they’d meet a violent, painful death if they ever fucking touched you. I knowenough.”

Anger colors her cheeks, the juxtaposition of her red skin with her silver white hair making me think of fire and ice.

A pretty succinct summation of her personality, actually.

“It’s not that easy, he couldn’t just come here.” She replies weakly, trying to defend him.

“If you were mine, Thayer, if I loved you,” I tell her, “There’s nothing in this world that could keep me from you, let alone something as inconsequential as an ocean.”

I see red hot desire flash through her eyes before she slams the door closed and hides behind her usual mask of defiance.

She tries to tug her arm from my grasp, but I hold on tightly.

“That’s because you’re obsessive. He’s not like that with me.”

“Like I said,” I reply, releasing her this time. She stumbles back a couple of steps to add physical distance between us. “He’s an idiot.”


I’ll never know what she was going to say because her phone vibrates on the counter and, almost as if we summon him, Carter’s name appears on her screen.

“Don’t answer him.”

She was so compliant last time I asked. The animal inside me purred at her obedience and the fact that she hadn’t answered her boyfriend’s call simply because I’d told her not to.


“Tell him you’re busy.”

I know I’m not going to like what she’s about to say just by the way she looks at me.

Any playfulness from before, any of the remaining lust that might have clouded her brain, is gone.

In its place is a blank look that gives nothing away.

“You don’t always get what you want.” She snaps, “It’s about time someone taught you that.”

She starts to walk off, but I grab her forearm and force her to face me.

“Go talk to your boyfriend then,” I tell her, “But don’t come looking for me when you’re done. You won’t like what you find.”

I’m not sure if I imagine that she hesitates but if she does, it’s not for long. She walks out of the kitchen, but not before I hear her whisper “hey, babe” into the phone.

My fists clench, completely destroying the plastic cup in my hand.

Fuck this.

“Hey,” Phoenix says, walking up to me and clapping my shoulder. He takes one look at my face and frowns. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I reply curtly, my gaze locked on Thayer in the entryway of the living room. The need to physically maim someone erupts in my fists when I see her smile.

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