Page 35 of Pay for Your Lies

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Phoenix turns, following my gaze over to where she stands.

“Ah.” He says, turning back to me with a knowing smile on his face. “Bet’s not going well then?”

I’ve been so focused on her that I forgot about the stupid fucking bet.

My need to claim her started long before that wager ever came into play and I’m annoyed that I have to answer to it now.

Irritation sings in my blood at the thought that my teammates have eyes on Thayer in any way. Watching her, wondering if I’m going to be able to get her to submit.

“Piss off, Phoenix.”

He chuckles but wisely chooses not to push the subject any further.

“Where’s Rogue?” I ask him.

I haven’t seen the man in question since earlier in the evening.

He’d been talking to Lyra which was surprising since we’d all collectively agreed she was a roach and needed her access to these parties restricted.

“Bellamy was absolutely fuming over whatever he was doing with Lyra. Last time I saw him, he was running upstairs after her.”

And that explains that.

I look over to where Thayer’s still standing in the entryway.

The corner of her lips lifts again and I’ve officially had it.

I need a distraction.

If she won’t play, then someone else will happily take her place.




I hang up and pocket my phone.

It was nice to talk to Carter, although it was a little awkward. We haven’t spoken on the phone for so long that we’ve lost the natural flow that comes with two people knowing how to talk to one another.

I’d covered up the awkwardness with nervous laughter, hoping it would help dissolve the weird tension between us.

It’s moments like these that make me wonder if the distance is causing more damage to our relationship than either one of us realizes.

“If you were mine, Thayer, if I loved you, there’s nothing in this world that could keep me from you, let alone something as inconsequential as an ocean.”

An involuntary shiver runs through my body as I remember his words.

It felt like my heart stopped for a second when he spoke them, as if it was marking the date and time of the event so I’d always have a reminder of him engraved on my core.

How can he effortlessly be so charming?

How can he casually drop the most romantic words I’ve ever heard, only for them to be hypothetical?

Because he’s a ruiner.
