Page 81 of Pay for Your Lies

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It’s a direct flight from Chicago, so not that terrible of a trip, but I don’t say anything.

I look over my shoulder at Rhys, but he’s gone.

He must have walked away once he realized who the man hugging me was.

The pit in my stomach is back.

I wish I could go after him and say… something.

“No, sorry, it’s just I’m surprised. Thanks for coming.”

“You don’t seem happy to see me.” He says, his tone accusatory.

I paint on a smile and hug him again, hoping it’ll diffuse the tension. “I am, I am.”

Truthfully, I’m completely frazzled by his appearance. To say I hadn’t been expecting it is the understatement of the century. His timing also couldn’t have been worse.

“Who were you talking to?”

“What?” I ask, but I heard him.

“That guy.” Carter says, tipping his chin behind me as if Rhys is still there. “Who is he?”

“Just a friend. He’s Bellamy’s boyfriend’s best friend.”

He nods but says nothing, his eyes searching as they look at me. I feel like he’s going to see something in my soul that I’m not ready to admit, let alone have him see for himself, so I deflect.

“It’s so nice of you to come.” I hate how stiff and awkward I sound. “Why the surprise?”

He lifts a shoulder in a shrug. “Feels like we haven’t been connecting lately. Or talking much for that matter.”

He’s not wrong. We haven’t talked on the phone and we’ve barely texted since our fight. It’s not that I’ve been holding onto a grudge, I just… don’t care.

I don’t care that my boyfriend and I aren’t speaking.

That realization, when it hits me, is jarring.

I should want to talk to him every day, I should look forward to our texts, but I don’t.

I haven’t in a while.

His words remind me of the argument that instigated our mini Cold War.

“You never told me if you stopped by to see my mom?”

He grabs the back of his head and gives an ‘aw, shucks’ smile that’s designed to make me forgive him. I’ve talked to my brother so I already know the answer to my question, I just want to see how he’s going to react.

“Nah, babe. I was really busy.” He says, gritting his teeth as if in agony. “But I texted Nolan and he went. She’s totally fine.” He says, as if his solution makes it all okay.

Of course Nolan went to check on my mom. He went the day Carter failed to go, but that’s not the point.

It’s about me asking my boyfriend for a simple favor he should have been happy to do for his girlfriend.

It’s about him once again failing to put me first yet again.

About not taking my feelings into consideration at all.

“And, I came here!”
